Hello world. The following was written 8/20/2020.

The following is a channeling from the Council of 12, outlining what is needed if Humanity would meet our ET brothers face to face.

Council of 12, “Humanity must Regain Consciousness before we meet with you in the manner you seek. You must heal yourselves, regaining your Consciousness and reclaiming your Sovereignty with comprehension of who you are and how you are manifesting your reality.

We seek to meet you as our Equals in all ways. We are not here to save you from yourselves. You must choose to save yourselves by looking at that which you are choosing to accept so believe in. Recognize these choices you have made to believe as you do. Recognize how you judge yourself and all around you as being more or less than you.

If you cannot see yourself as worthy and capable of being Self Governing, enslavement shall be your result. Understand how it is your mind works and you will open the door to your freedom and the freedom of those around you. You shall become the example for them to witness, so choose to follow the example of.

How you perceive and what you perceive are choices being made by you the Individual. The Universe as it is perceived is manifested and created within the mind of the Individual based on that which they most strongly believe in as being possible for them to experience.

Humanity has a hive mind they are unaware of. The way you are trained or indoctrinate from birth is what lays out the foundations for the reality you perceive. All are indoctrinated into the cult mentality labeled as Society. All are trained to perceive their reality from the same purview of belief in judgments or labels as defining them and all around them.

Understand how your mind works and how it has been programmed and you gain the ability to change this programming so change the way you perceive and interact with your chosen realities.

You are not these forms you inhabit now. You are all Eternal Beings. Your forms will change yet who you are within them shall always remain the same, Eternal. What you have chosen for you, IS what you project before you for those around you to perceive so witness you as being. If you stand in judgment of yourself, your brothers will see this, so judge you as you have judged yourself. It becomes a vicious cycle repeating itself endlessly.

Understand this cycle can be broken. It takes willingness on your part to look within your own heart and mind so question that which you are choosing to believe and judge all as being. To recognize the choices you make in any given moment will effect your purview of yourself and the reality you are perceiving before you.

Nothing is as it may seem. What you have been trained to perceive and believe in are illusions which are not real. They are simply a way of LOOKING at a situation. Similar to looking at a table or a rock outside. Depending on what angle or side you are viewing it from, the perspective purview shall shift so change, thereby changing what is being perceived to be seen differently.

In this same perspective ALL of you are and have been trained to look at the same things from different angles of perspective so see them differently. All of you are looking at the same things or destinations and coming at it or them from different directions. Each path you take is different from the Beings on either side of you. All are similar, yet ALL are different and UNIQUE to the Individual experiencing this path.

Humanity if you would truly seek a joining or meeting of the heart and mind with your ET brothers, you must be able to meet each other as EQUALS in all ways FIRST. You must see yourselves as worthy Sovereign Beings who are Self Governing and Self Reliant. Humanity, we would meet you as our Equals. We are not here to save you from yourselves.”

Please be the Light, I see you to be. Please be the Light, I know you to be. Please be the Light, you are meant to be. Please choose, to be the Light.

Blessings on your journeys my brothers. Hugs and love. You are loved. I love you.

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