Hello world. The following was written 9/19/2021.
For the last two months I have been held in place recovering from anaphylactic shock and pneumonia. During this recovery I have found myself faced with many lessons to be learned about myself, my physical limits and my journey. I have had to look within myself at what I am perceiving, believing so experiencing all to be. Asking Holy Spirit what it is I am witnessing and what are the lessons I am to learn from these experiences.
Last week I shared how I was shown why I have been on the path of a Solitary Practioner. I was shown how it is we hand away our Sovereignty of Being and Free Will to be Self Governing so Self Reliant when we choose to join into a group or organization and conform and comply with whatever that organization or group is dictating so choosing for its members to blindly accept, follow so believe in.
This past week a neighbor went to hospital for an intestinal issue which caused them to stay in hospital for the week. While there in hospital wearing their mask they contracted covid so now must stay in the hospital even longer. This has had me questioning these mandates for masks and vaxx’s even more. It has me questioning the mentality my brothers are perceiving their realities from.
When I read the label on these mask boxes they state they cannot and do not protect you from COVID. When I read the scientific papers and studies being done and the conclusions they come to that these jabs do not work and are causing more harm through infecting those who have had them and the people around them, I ask myself why would anyone choose to take them. Then I am shown by Holy Spirit what is happening and why.
What Holy Spirit is showing me are the choices Humanity has been making to hand away their Sovereignty of Being and Free Will to be Self Governing so Self Reliant for a false sense of safety and security. They are literally enslaving themselves and even killing themselves to be accepted so part of the group. The group being what their society and government is dictating they believe. They are told they must be jabbed and where their badge of enslavement which is the masks they are actively choosing to wear as a badge of honor. They believe they are doing the right thing and anyone who does not do as they are choosing is evil.
This mentality is exactly what Hitler used to get the German People to willingly perform genocide on those around them. They blindly accepted the propaganda being spoon fed to them making their neighbors their enemies. They divided parent from child and the people from their religious houses. History is repeating itself again and the masses are blind to what it is they are doing.
One by one our societal systems are being rotted from within by these propagandists and their demands the masses conform, comply, adhere to and believe blindly these things they tell them to believe in. They are using race, religion and financial status to separate so divide the masses from one another subliminally and subconsciously. They use Humanities love against them to manipulate them into complying willingly with their own demise. Rules for Thee, but not for me is their motto.
Mandates are being pushed all over the world for the masses to wear masks and get the jab. What these governments, organizations and groups are failing to understand is no one is required to accept, follow, conform, comply, adhere to or believe in any of these things they want us to. What is good for you may not be good for the Being standing next to you. Just because you choose to wear a mask or get the jab does not mean everyone else has to do the same.
You do not know the journey your brother is on. You do not know what they face day to day mentally, emotionally and physically. I can lay out all the reasons as to why I CANNOT and WILL NOT wear a mask or get a jab. Almost 20 years ago I came to the realization and understanding it was the medications the medical industry were giving me which created multiple cancers and other diseases within me. When I stopped taking their medications my body began healing itself of two forms of cancer and many other diseases on its own.
What that states is, I realized the medical industry medicates to cover up symptoms and not heal the underlying causes. They cannot figure out what is causing an issue so they medicate as an experiment to see if this drug or that drug will work. They do not consider the side effects of these medications and the medications one has to take to deal with those side effects. None of it actually works to heal you. What they do is shut off or down the different systems within the body making of you a willing experiment in how to kill yourself slowly and painfully without your conscious awareness they are doing so. They play upon your ignorance and fear. They use your own mind and emotions against you to get you to become another experiment in self suicide.
Society is no different. It is an experiment in action to get as many as possible to willingly conform, comply and adhere to their own slavery and eventual murder. We each walk a separate path on our journeys. We each must choose for ourselves what resonates within us as being real so true. No one makes these choices for us. We must each make these choices for ourselves.
There are aspects standing out for me about these masks and jabs. I myself have medical issues that prevent me from wearing masks and getting jabs. My Husband has medical issues that prevent him from wearing masks and getting jabs. My medical issues are MY BUSINESS and NO ONE has a right to that information without my consent. NO ONE has a right to try and force me to wear a mask or get a jab. Yet that is exactly what these governments, organizations and groups would have me do and believe I am required to do if I would join in and be a part of them.
Recognize how they are using your own minds and emotions against you. Recognize how they are using coercion under duress with exclusion, ostracism and JUDGMENTS that you are no longer worthy to be a part of them. Recognize how they are demanding your willing enslavement and conformity to what the group thinks is right for you. They are not you and you are not any of those members. You each walk your own path here. Why are you choosing to limit yourself to be a part of something that does not and will not accept you AS YOU ARE UNCONDITIONALLY? Why are you choosing to willingly KILL your own Soul to be a part of something that wants no part of who you really are and only wants what it dictates you be for it?
When you join a group recognize what you are choosing for you in those moments. You are willingly handing away your Sovereignty of Being and Free Will to be Self Governing so Self Reliant as God created you to be. When the ideologies of the group differ or split away from what resonates for you consider what you are choosing in staying there. Recognize how you are placing your value and worth in the hands of someone else in these moments. Their dictates that you do as they say or you will not be accepted should say everything in those moments for you. Why do you ignore what your heart is telling you?
When you ignore what you are feeling inside you are literally creating your own pain and suffering. As what the group is dictating you be and do eats at you from within the love, peace and joy once found in joining becomes a fear and terror of being found out that what the group thinks and believes in no longer resonates within you as Truth. From the beginning you wore a false façade and mask to hide who you truly are and would choose to be. Your fear of being alone and having to face yourself is what drives you to these organizations and groups. Your fear of being responsible for yourself and what you are choosing has you hiding within these groups and organizations to keep someone else responsible for you and what you are choosing. These groups and organizations are distracting you from facing yourself and what you have been choosing for you.
You are a Sovereign Being with Free Will to choose what resonates for you so you may be Self Governing so Self Reliant. You were never meant to be a slave or to walk the paths of those around you. You were never required to believe as you do. Everything you experience is for your benefit. Each experience you are faced with making a choice for yourself in what it shall be to you and for you. Each one holds lessons for you to learn about yourself and how it is YOU ARE CHOOSING to limit yourself and all you will be with your choices to join in group think which is part of the conditioning into the Society you are born into. All of Humanity is trained similarly to conform and comply with the dictates of the group mentality labeled as their society. All are trained to believe they know what is best for the person next to them so judge them as less than they are. All are trained to judge, be judged and to believe those judgments define them. All are trained to be terrified of being labeled so judged as different from what the group dictates they be. All are trained to be terrified of being left out and ostracized so left alone on their journey.
Humanity it is time to face yourselves and look at these choices you are making to be a part of something. It is time for you to recognize how you are willingly enslaving yourselves to an illusion that is killing you slowly and painfully from within. It is time for you to look at what you are choosing and see how you have been creating the pain and suffering you go through. Humanity it is time for you to accept responsibility for YOU.
Blessings on your journeys my brothers. Hugs and love. You are loved. I love you.