Hello world. The following was written 11/19/2021.

All my conspiracy theories have come true. Do you have any new ones to share? Our government has been lying, cheating, stealing, murdering and threatening We The People for a very long time. We The People forgot to question and pay attention to what our government has been doing. We have forgotten the government works for us and not us for them. The government has been committing sedition and treason against We The People and The Constitution for a very very long time.

The government has been committing treason since the late 1800’s and early 1900’s when they instated the Federal Reserve and the public school system to indoctrinate the youth, punishing families who didn’t send their children to those schools. Next came prohibition and our rights starting to be stripped from us!

They’ve spent decades whittling away at the stripping of our rights one at a time until We The People forgot the government works for us and not us for them. We forgot we hold the power and right to dismantle these governments state and federal then rebuild them, holding those committing crimes accountable.

The government can’t come clean. At a UFO Conference one of the governments own disinformation agents, Rick Doty, said it himself in June on film. If they disclosed all they’ve been doing there would be an insurrection and all of them including Doty would be tried for Sedition and Treason as Traitors to the Constitution. All of them being our government officials, politicians, those of the military industrial complex, main stream media, corporations and the judicial system itself.

If the government ripped off the band aide disclosing they have hidden the ET contact and UFO information, how long before its realized and the question is asked, if they hid this what else have they hidden? It becomes a pointedly, glaringly obvious fact sedition and treason were being committed and have been being committed for a very long time.

How long before Humanity realizes their governments have been working with Extraterrestrial Being for technology in exchanged for our DNA through abductions, experimentations and hybrid programs implanting fetuses within a womb then extracting them a few months later? How long before We The People realize our governments have sold us into slavery for profit? They no longer work for We The People.

Humanity has forgotten they are ruled through CONSENT. They are NOT REQUIRED to consent. They are allowed to say NO I will not comply or consent to what is put before me. They are allowed to refuse to accept these rules, laws, regulations and prohibitions which strip from them their ability to be the Sovereign Being who are Self Governing so Self Reliant as they are meant to be.

Humanity has forgotten they are NOT REQUIRED to accept what these politicians are handing them. They are allowed to decline. We The People are also allowed to hold these crooks accountable for their acts of Sedition and Treason against We The People and our Constitution! The price to pay is DEATH!

Humanity has forgotten The Constitution IS the Law of the Land beyond those of the government federal or state. When any government undermines the Constitution and tries to strip the rights of its people, it is to be removed and replaced for their TYRRANNY as the Constitution stipulates we do.

Accepting censorship in any form is accepting your willing slavery. You negate yourself asking for permission to believe as you do. You DO NOT need permission from anyone to believe as you do or EXPRESS yourself as you so choose to! You have forgotten you are a Sovereign Being!

Humanity has forgotten they are ruled through CONSENT.

Please be the Light, I see you to be. Please be the Light, I know you to be. Please be the Light, you are meant to be. Please choose to be the Light.

Blessings on your journeys my brothers. Hugs and love. You are loved. I love you.

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