Hello world. The following was written 11/28/2020.

A brother shared a story about a child keeping confetti in their pocket incase they experience good news, so they may celebrate. It brought forth a deep clarity and understanding of what it is we are taught and what it is we are teaching our children. What we are unknowingly and unconsciously planting into their subconscious minds as the “programming” they shall live by, for the rest of their life. What they will believe is normal, until the moment they choose to look within and change their program themselves.

Something to consider, children prepare for the joy of celebration and adults prepare for disaster, out of FEAR. We train our children to FEAR the world and all within it. To prepare for despair, destruction and eventual death. We train them to see themselves and everyone else as victims, with no choice. Victims who must conform and comply or be persecuted. This is what we teach our children, just as we were taught subconsciously to believe.

We do not train them to celebrate all they have and are given in the moment. We do not teach them, how to grow, hunt or fish for food. We do not teach them, how to build with their hands, their own homes and furnishings. Those are the things our ancestors taught, their children. How to hunt, gather, build, preserve and store their harvest. How to sell or trade their surplus for those things they needed, they themselves could not produce, such as tools, dishes and materials for clothing and linens.

Humanity has forgotten. Humanity has forgotten, how to take care of themselves. Humanity has forgotten, they are responsible for themselves. Humanity has forgotten, they are choosing what to believe in so manifest to be experienced, within their Individual reality. For each Individual Being, is the Master of the Reality they have manifested for themselves, through the choices they are and have been choosing to place their faith, trust and belief into. It is time for Humanity, to take responsibility for themselves. To face themselves and every choice and decision they have made to believe, as they do.

Once they are able to SEE what they chose, they are given an opportunity to change their mind, so choose differently that which Truly Resonates within their Hearts as Being the TRUTH for them. It matters not, what anyone else would choose in these moments. All that matters and will ever matter is what YOU, are choosing for YOU! As you change your mind and let go what you once believed in as being real for you, it falls away as if it was never there. All you perceive, experience and believe has shifted, so changed. As you changed your mind the reality you have manifested for yourself, changes with you.

The world does not change and you do not physically change. What has changed and shifted was the perspectives you were choosing to perceive yourself and your reality from. All happens within you and NOT outside of you. All ANSWERS are within you and NOT out there in the abyss of the world, in your brothers and books. If you would find those answers you seek you must willingly turn within and only within to Holy Spirit, who has been awaiting your attention patiently. Waiting for you to finally ask Him for the Truth, of what you chose and why.

Please be the Light, I see you to be. Please be the Light, I know you to be. Please be the Light, you are meant to be. Please choose, to be the Light.

Blessings on your journeys my brothers. Hugs and love. You are loved. I love you.

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