Hello world. The following was written 8/08/2016.
Something to consider, everything you think you know and believe to be Truth and to define YOU, was taught to you by someone else. Just as it was taught to them and the ones who came before them, throughout history and time. Each new generation is taught what the old believed with new fears and judgmental labels added on to what was already there. This is the brain washing into the Egoistic Thought and Belief system all are indoctrinated into from birth. All are taught to judge and be judged. To seek out those judgments and labels as being Truth. To never accept ourselves or this world exactly as we are and it is. To judge everything as lacking, especially ourselves.
When one can let go every judgment and label taught and learned, they begin to find out who they truly are within them. They find they are now able to be completely authentic and honest with themselves and the world. When one lets go of all judgments and labels, allowing and accepting what is as it is becomes natural. One recognizes EVERYTHING they are or have experienced has been and is for their benefit and always has been. They were the ones judging it as other than it was.
Growing up I was molested, raped, beaten, exorcised, caned, mentally and emotionally abused. Every instant and experience has been of benefit to me. Each one has helped me to see the Truth of the choices I made to accept judgments and labels or to judge myself and those around me. I judged what I experienced to be something other than it was. I did all judging myself and all it got me were CANCERS and other diseases. When I let go all of those judgments, labels and judgmental beliefs I was healed instantly all disease. All when I stopped judging everything. I learned to allow and accept without judging.
Personally I have found every judgment and label I have ever held or been taught, to be an ABSOLUTE LIE based off of fear. So, here is a question for you. How much value are you placing on these judgments and labels you are holding forth as being Truth?
Blessings on your journeys my brothers. Hugs and love. You are loved. I love you.