Hello world. The following was written 11/05/2017.
I have been contemplating a piece of information given me for my birthday. At the Channeling Spirit event I went to for my birthday, I asked Erik Medhus, the Being channeled, a question. I asked if Spirits have the “Silver Umbilical Cord and Clear Blue Light Bodies” I have been seeing in my dreams and visions. His response was no they do not have those cords. Those are for “physical manifestation of body”. I then asked if they had the “Clear Blue Light Bodies”. His response was no, those are actually other dimensions and not the “astral plane” and would be a subject for another channeling session.
Erik’s response was an amazing gift. It let me know that I am able to cross dimensional planes in altered states and communicate with Beings in other realities. I shared how I was interacting with these Beings in the “Light Bodies”. How I was following their “Umbilical Cords” to the center of their Beings and pulling out the seeds within them that were causing their pain and suffering. How I could reach into their Light body and pull out the core belief/experiences that were needing to be healed and let go of. I was given an understanding of some of the gifts I have had “hidden” within me. Gifts I will be using to help Humanity heal.
Thank you for these gifts. Thank you for these understandings. Thank you for the clarity of purpose given me through these interactions and understandings. Thank you for teaching me that Healing with Sharing what we are given is not only possible but absolutely needed. Being an example of what it is to Stand in ones Light of Truth without fear of persecutions is part of my purpose here. Feeling so much joy, gratitude, love and peace inside of me right now.
Blessings on your journeys my brothers. Hugs and love. You are loved. I love you.