Hello world. The following was written 8/10/2022.

I AM witnessing a repeating pattern of late, of my brother blindly following and believing what they read in a book or is stated by someone they perceive to be an authority. When a brother questions the materials being shared or sees something differently, they are persecuted and demonized by those leading groups and the members of those groups. Our brothers are using the books in their hands to beat their brothers into submission.

Another aspect I AM witnessing are my brothers choosing to believe they are responsible for what another is choosing to think, say and do or they are responsible for any and all events which are being experienced by them. Such as a child being responsible for the adults who are molesting them. A person in a car accident asking for the accident to happen to them. Someone’s home burning down making them homeless. My brothers cannot see the insanity of what they are choosing to believe in, yet demand others believe as they are choosing to.

I AM a Clear Open Trans Channel. I have had Arch Angel Metatron and other Angels and Beings such as Jesus step into my form and speak through me spontaneously when interacting with my brothers for years now. To get to this point I have had to do a lot of inner shadow work. I have had to look at my life experiences accepting responsibility for my own judgments and acceptance of the judgments handed to me. I had to heal myself first before I could become a viable conduit or transmitter for these High Energy Light Beings.

More and more I am finding these things I am witnessing intolerable. This righteous fury has me feeling as if my heart and brain are trying to explode outwards from within me. My chest feels expansive and my crown and third eye feel as if they are trying to lift off of my head. This righteous fury has me feeling a need to cry without the tears coming forth in release. The phrase, “Common Sense is no longer common.”, keeps playing through my mind along with the phrase, “Humanity has lost the Common Sense God gave them to question what they are told to believe in.”.

Today has had this aspect of understanding coming into the forefront of my mind strongly. The recognition Humanity has been blindly accepting what they read in books or an authority is telling them this is just how things are and they are required to accept it all blindly without question. When one doesn’t accept so believe they are told they are doing something wrong, are bad, evil and then persecuted for not willingly accepting and complying with what is being dictated to them. Humanity seems to be stuck in a bully mentality with no conscious awareness of what they do. What I AM witnessing is bullying using ones own mind and emotions as the tools to manipulate them into willingly conforming and complying with their own demise.

It is very infuriating what I AM and have been witnessing occurring. Have you been witnessing these aspects?

Blessings on your journeys my brothers. Hugs and love. You are loved. I love you.

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