Hello world. The following was written 8/11/2016.

I was guided to look through some old posts and came across the following.

Each and every one of us are perfect, just as God created us. We are created in His image, with all of His gifts. Even the Free Will to pick and choose what it is we shall experience here. Each of us are equals. Not only to each other as a species, but, to every other species as well. There is no difference between us. We, each of us, experience the expressions of love, hurt, pain, and sorrow. Even plants have shown they respond to the environments they are in. What divides or separates us, are our judgments and beliefs there is a difference between us.

The uproar which has been happening of late regarding what we take into our bodies and the Beings impacted by this, has had Holy Spirit showing me some very interesting items. He brought back into my awareness the training I received in Shamanistic Native American beliefs, as well as the training I received in Druidism and Wicca, of how we are all connected in a Circle of Life.

Each Being is giving and receiving life giving sustenance to each other in many different ways. We are to give thanks to the Being giving of its physical body so we may live. It matters not if it is of the Earth, such as rocks, crystals, plants, seeds and animals. All have Life Force and Soul Energy. All have purpose within the Circle of Life.

Holy Spirit has also brought to my understanding praying over our food is misunderstood. He is saying when we pray before eating we need to give thanks and be in “Gratitude and Appreciation” to the “BEINGS” who have given their physical bodies so we may continue on this plane of existence. When we pray in Gratitude and Appreciation in this way we are showing True Understanding of the gift being given us, validating those Being’s purpose has been fulfilled fully here on this plane.

Animals come here with a Spiritual contract to be predator and prey. They also come with a contract to be sustenance for Humans and other Beings, such as animals and plants. The contracts they have are part of the ladder of Ascension within Creation. We start out as the smallest of Beings, being eaten by something larger, which is then consumed by something larger and so on and so forth. We merge with that which we consume, or which consumes us. We become ONE with those Beings. In each consumption they climb the ladder of Creation to be on both sides of the experience. All of us have gone through this.

Being Human has many facets to it, and many manifestations of what the reality of this Creation would be for each of us. It is as we go through each manifestation of reality another is experiencing, we are able to grow Spiritually into a Being of Compassionate Understanding of how we are all exactly the same.

There are reasons for everything we experience. Everything has a purpose above and beyond what is comprehended of it at the time. Eating meat is not bad. What is needed, is for one to learn to give love and appreciation for the Life Force Energy being given to us, so we may grow and so they to may grow. Even the plants and insects are part of this contract of existence. They come here and start at the bottom, then work their way up, into US.

There is no reason for anyone to feel any form of fear, shame, or guilt for what it is they are choosing to take within their bodies, think, say, or do. If we give Gratitude and Appreciation instead to everything and everyone we encounter, we shall see how each Being serves the one next to them. When we stop judging and start allowing and accepting, the Gratitude and Appreciation begins to flow more freely within us. With this Gratitude and Appreciation, comes a deep abiding love for all Beings, and a peace so beautiful, the Light within has now become a Beacon for all who care to see it.

Holy Spirit has guided me for far longer than I believed. He has been there with me from day one of my existence. He has been there helping to guide me along my journey. To show me the similarities between the many religions and shamanistic belief systems and where they veer one from the other. They veer when mans judgments are applied. When we let go our judgments, Gratitude and Appreciation takes it’s place. With Gratitude and Appreciation, Allowance and Acceptance come in, and with them Peace.

Blessings on your journeys my brothers. Hugs and love. You are loved. I love you.

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