Hello world. The following was written 7/07/2016.
Forgive them Father for they know not what they do. They know not that they have been trained from birth to judge and be judged. To accept the judgments of those around them as being the Truth. To never question those that say they have authority. We have been taught this way of thinking, perceiving, and believing from birth. Just as those who have come before us.
Father let the eyes of your children open now to the Truth of what it is they do. That in everything they are the ones choosing to believe in the judgments and fears being handed to them. That only they may choose what it is they will believe in and that it has always been them and their choice to do so. That no one is making these choices to believe but them.
Father help my brothers to see that they must choose to change what it is they are believing in. That they have the power within them to let go of these judgments and love their brothers instead. That everything is and has always been their choice. Help the world to see that if they want this pain and suffering to stop they must be the ones to stop it. It all starts at home. It all starts within you. It all has to do with you and what you are choosing to do. What you are choosing to think, feel, express, and experience.
These expressions of extreme anger and pain are the calls of love of Humanity. They are and have been happening to bring to Humanities awareness of what it is we no longer want to experience as a collective whole. For all of us are co-creators here in this experience. All of us are collectively witnessing these acts and seeing what it is we no longer want to experience. Seeing what we no longer desire and asking, no telling, ourselves there has to be a better way.
We all of us have a choice here. We can go into a state of fear. Fear of our neighbors, our brothers. Or we can respond with compassion, understanding, and love to all who may cross our path no matter their skin color, origin, sexual preference. All these things are no more than judgments created to separate and control.
All of these things are flags. They are catalysts to us looking at what we have long tried to bury instead. The lies, deceptions, and everything else we as a species have been taught to believe is true about ourselves and each other. The Truth shall set us free.
The Truth being that we, each of us are equals in every way. That there is no difference between me and the person standing beside me in line at the grocery store. We each experience pain and suffering, joy and happiness, love and fear. We all bleed red blood. We all breath air, eat food, take shelter from storms. The only difference would be our judgments of what is. Of what we believe in to be true.
So, Father, I ask you to open my brothers eyes this day to the Truth of what their judgments are really doing. That they are the ones defining themselves based on someone else’s judgments of them. That each judgment is what is killing them and blocking them from seeing the Truth of who they really are within. The Purest Light of Love.
Please be the Light, I know you to be. Please be the Light, I see you to be. Please be the Light, you are meant to be. Please choose, to be the Light.
Blessings on your journeys my brothers. Hugs and love. You are loved. I love you.