Hello world. The following was written in 1996, then shared online on 11/03/2013.

I wrote this sitting in a coffee house, watching a group gathered in a circle outside. On the perimeter of the circle, were a chosen few. They were part of the group, yet they were not. Everyone was talking and laughing together. Yet the only time those on the perimeter were included in the banter, was when someone would literally turn and say something directly to them. Otherwise, they were largely ignored. It brought to mind the many times I stood, on the perimeter of a circle. Wanting to be a part of the circle, deep in my Soul.


Throughout my life I’ve seen a flaw.

I’ve been the fly upon the wall.

Sometimes spoken to but never received.

In any circle socially.

I watch and listen to old and young.

Yet all tell me, I am to old or to young.

I will not let them see my pain.

Some see me as to strange.

Because I have an open mind.

They tend to think I am blind.

I will not let them see my tears.

As their words cut and shred my ears.

When I am shunned socially.

I feel my soul begin to bleed.

I am the fly upon the wall.

That you KILL, with no thought at all.

Sabrina Reyenga

Blessings on your journeys my brothers. Hugs and love. You are loved. I love you.

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