Hello world. The following was written 12/24/2019.
There comes a point on ones journey when they are raised above the battlefield to become a WITNESS to what it is their brothers are choosing for themselves. In doing the inner work to look at what they have experienced and JUDGED those experiences and themselves as being they are able to SEE with Holy Spirit’s EYES what it is their brothers are choosing because they have already looked and seen how they had been trained and indoctrinated to perceive from themselves. In healing themselves they are then able to helped their brothers heal as they have healed. This is why they are now RAISED ABOVE THE BATTLEFIELD. They are able to see what it is that is happening so TESTIFY to the TRUTH of what it is they WITNESS.
My brothers, you keep shoveling out judgmental opinions. What you shovel out are judgmental purview’s of that which you have chosen to blindly follow and believe in. That in and of itself shows how you have chosen for you. What you do is regurgitate that which your chosen gurus, teachers, media and authority figures have spoon fed to you after you paid them for it.
Brainwashing at it’s fines would be one PAYING for a piece of paper and a bunch of letters added to the front and the back of their chosen name label. The blind following and believing that anyone can pay for a piece of paper and suddenly have authority handed to them is a joke in the extreme. What you have paid for is someone to dictate to you what it is you are to believe in and to judge you your ability to parrot what they dictate back at them. Talk about brainwashing at its finest. The joke is on you dear ones.
When one has done the inner work of turning within with Holy Spirit to look at the thoughts in their own mind and how those thoughts effect their emotions so effect their bodies physical responses they are able to Connect the Dots in their first steps of healing. It is when one has chosen to turn within to the labyrinth of their own mind with Holy Spirit by their side shining His Light before them, they are able to retrace their steps back to their beginnings and that which they had chosen to believe in that took them from the path of TRUTH. They are faced with accepting responsibility for each and every choice they have made to accept, believe, perceive and judge themselves, their brothers and their reality as being for them. It is a choice each of us must make to heal ourselves and let go that which we have been indoctrinated to believe so perceive.
What is experienced once one has done that inner work of retracing their steps back to their beginnings is a letting go of the judgmental beliefs that had been handed to them as being real and true. What they experience in the place of judgmental thoughts would be a FEELING WITHIN of resonance. Meaning something resonates or it does not within their heart and mind.
They no longer hold judgments nor hand them out. When something no longer resonates they simple turn away from it in a manner of speaking. When what is shared does not resonate they refuse to accept it for themselves. It is only when something is resonating as Truth for them that they will now accept it for themselves so live it literally. They become that resonance frequency of the Truth they accept for themselves.
EVERYTHING is Spiritual. Your very existence is Spiritually based or you would not be here in this reality. Every experience you have ever had has had a lesson within it you were to learn of yourself and how you are choosing to think, say, do, believe, perceive so JUDGE yourself and your reality as being for you. NO ONE PERCEIVES AS YOU DO. How you perceive yourself and your reality is unique to you. Others may hold similar views, yet they are not and will never be exactly the same.
How you perceive your reality will be based on multiple factors. The country, state, county, city/town you are born or raised in will hold perspectives of purview not experienced in the town next to it. Your family and their beliefs will hold a perspective of purview different from the neighbors in the houses next to them. How you were raised to think, say, do, be, believe and perceive was taught to you. Every judgement you hand out was handed to you. In each instant you accepted the judgments and chose to believe in them. Just because you believe in them does not make them true.
Every judgment you hold forth as being real and true, every single label you use, creates a bar to a cage you build for yourself in your own mind. Each one is accepted and put in place by you. That cage you have built for yourself has you shackled in place unable to understand why you keep spinning your wheels going no where blaming everyone else around you for the choices you have made.
Nothing is as it may seem. That which you believe in are illusions. None of them are real or true. Each is a lie used to control you and manipulate what it is you think you perceive before you. Your mind and emotions are the levers, the tools used to control you and all you would do.
Religion created Society and the government to rule that society. Religion or Spiritual beliefs play a direct role in how the masses of that society perceive so believe. They go hand in hand and cannot be separated. For how you choose to perceive so believe will be directly connected to how you have been indoctrinated based on your surroundings and those who taught you. What Humanity is indoctrinated into would be a cult mentality labeled as their society, using their own minds and emotions as the shackles binding them.
Something to consider here is that you manifest that which you are focusing on mentally and emotionally within the reality of your manifestation. What it is you believe, you shall perceive before you. Until you choose to change your mind about that which you view, you shall only perceive that which has been taught to you as being real and true.
You are not your body. You are the Soul within that shell you call your body. You are the very essence of ALL THAT IS encapsulated within that meat coated skeletal wagon you call your body. You ARE the Light of ALL THAT IS within that shell, that car that transports you from one experience into the next seamlessly. Your body is a vehicle or a tool used to monitor and gauge all that is experienced by you. That tool is NOT who you are nor who you were meant to be. That belief you are a body was a lie used to manipulate and control you on a mental and emotional level and that which you believed you perceive. None of what you have been taught is true.
Who you are is an Eternal Being. Your form may change yet who you are within it will always remain the same. You are an energetic frequency that resonates to a tune that is all your own and unique to you. You are a Multidimensional Being. You are not limited to this form or this reality you perceive yourself a part of. Time as you have been taught it so perceive it is an illusion. There are no yesterdays or tomorrows. All there is would be the moment of NOW this moment of your existence. Nothing else matters but this exact moment and that which you are choosing for you to be so believe in. It does not matter what anyone else would choose for themselves. All that matters and will ever matter here is what you have been choosing for you.
What you choose for you is and will be that which you will have to heal from. For your choices to believe effect you and only you. Those beliefs play over and over in your own mind eating at you and the very foundation you have built your reality upon. If your reality has been based on lies and deceit then it shall crumble beneath you continuously until you choose to look at that which you choose. Until you choose to look and see what it is you have been choosing for you, you repeat the cycles that were taught to you unconsciously.
Consider the analogy of a Diamond that has shattered. Each of those shards are still a Diamond in their own right. They represent a separated aspect of the whole, yet are still whole in and of themselves. Now consider that Diamond as God and each shard a Living Being within creation. That makes each one of you a God within your own right.
Now consider the science of quantum entanglement. What one does the other reflects the aspects of. They are separate yet connected so one and the same or equal in all ways. My brothers you are the entanglement for your reality you perceive is a cocreation being made by the contributions each of you have made to the belief in it. What it is you do your brothers do or have done. It is how they reflect back at you the choices you make to believe as you do.
You are not limited to this reality nor that form you perceive yourself to be. As Multidimensional Beings you are able to divide yourselves and create for yourselves multiple realities simultaneously that run parallel to this one. Your forms change and how they think and perceive change based on the chosen reality they manifest for themselves to experience.
Something else to think on here regarding ACIM and the first few lessons in the workbook. In those first few lessons Holy Spirit was pointing out how everything you think you see, hear and feel was taught to you. Holy Spirit kept stating, “You do not know what this is for. You do not see what is in front of you. You cannot hear for you do not listen.”. Consider those statements a moment. Everything you think you know and believe in has been told and taught to you. You have been trained to blindly accept, follow and believe what you read in a book or is stated to you by a supposed authority figure. Why do you blindly accept and believe without question?
The point Holy Spirit was making and trying to get you to see is that you were NEVER REQUIRED to accept or believe in that which was being dictated to you or that you read in a book. You only believe you are required to because you never stopped to question what was being dictated to you.
Holy Spirit and Higher Self are one and the same. According to the Ancients and even Spirituality or religious doctrine today Holy Spirit is the bridge that connects one to the Prime Creator or God. If Holy Spirit and Higher Self are YOU and they are also an Extension to what is perceived as God or Creator, then it would come into ones purview of perspective that they ARE GOD or the Prime Creator for they are the ones who are manifesting or creating their own perceived reality. They manifest that which they are mentally and emotionally focusing their attentions on to be experienced.
It is the ego mind that perceives itself as attacked and would decide to block itself from the Truth being shared. It happens every time. Their cognitive dissonance eats at them so much they can no longer stand to stay in the Light of Truth so must block it from themselves. Like a child they place their hands before their own eyes believing if they cannot see it, it cannot see them. This speaks to the child like mentality they still choose, of blindly accepting and believing, for as a child would they cover their eyes and ears so hides from themselves. Similar to the ostrich burying its head in the sand.
Blessings on your journeys my brothers. Hugs and love. You are loved. I love you.