Hello world. The following was written 6/18/2018.

I was tagged by a brother asking me directly a question. The following was the conversation between my brothers and I. The conversation was revolving around thoughts, beliefs, causes, effects and which one comes first. My brother shared the following and then tagged me asking me a question.

My brother shares, “”It’s our thoughts Alone that cause us pain” “You are doing it unto yourself” A Course In Miracles”

My brother asks, “Sabrina Reyenga Is a “thought” an effect? And the “belief” behind it the cause ?”

My response, “Hello brother. Thought is the catalyst to the emotional and physical reactions we respond with. Thoughts of the nature you are referring to would be learned. They are taught to you in the form of judgments, labels and opinions of who or what something is to be. The belief those thoughts are true would be the effect which is causing the pain and suffering which is affecting you. One has to willingly accept a belief in a judgment, label or opinion before it becomes the thoughts in ones mind they react to emotionally and physically. This is why we project before us what we “THINK” we perceive and believe in as being true and are only able to “PERCEIVE” those beliefs we are projecting before us as being true. Our choices to believe color everything we think we are perceiving. Does this answer your question brother?”

My brother responds, “ Sabrina Reyenga perfectly I’m saving the answer thank you.”

Another brother responds, “I disagree you can’t even have a thought without belief. Beliefs are a higher level of consciousness then thoughts even above emotions. If you want emotional and mental balance you must heal at belief level.”

My response, “Hello brother. On my own journey, I was guided to look at my thoughts to see how they were connected to my emotions and my bodies physical responses. When I could see how one was connected to the other, I could then ASK Holy Spirit to SHOW me where those thoughts came from. I had to SEE the thoughts, before I could connect them to anything I was experiencing. I had to see those connections before I could trace them back to the initial experience which brought those judgmental beliefs into being within me.

Many of my core foundational beliefs were manifested and created when I was 9 months old. I was the one who made all judgmental decisions based on how I was being treated by those around me. The thoughts and beliefs go hand in hand. One must be seen before either may be healed. It is a process everyone will go through on their journeys to healing. In connecting the dots of how all was interconnected I was able to heal myself on all levels the trials, traumas and tribulations I had experienced within this lifetime and some from prior lifetimes.

My other beliefs came after those initial experiences at 9 months old. Each one was connected to rapes, molestation’s and beatings I was experiencing and the judgmental labels and opinions being handed to me by the adults around me. I CHOSE to accept and believe they defined me and the world around me. I made those choices to believe to STOP the pain and suffering I was experiencing at the hands of those around me. I chose to believe, so I would be accepted and loved as they were loving my siblings and cousins. Until I chose to accept what was being handed me, all I was experiencing was pain and suffering in the form of beatings, rapes and molestation’s with physical, mental and emotional manipulations being used as the mediums of control.

I had to accept responsibility for my choices to believe what was handed to me and what I judged all to be. I had to accept my beliefs were what was causing me the pain and suffering I experienced. I had to accept I was the one choosing what each experience was going to be. In all instances I was the one who was in JUDGMENT. I had to willingly change my own mind about what it was I thought I was perceiving those experiences and myself to be. No one could do this work for me. I had to willingly look at them and heal myself those things I was choosing to believe. All of it is a choice.

We ARE the Master Teachers we seek outside of us in the world around us. It is when we TURN WITHIN to Holy Spirit and seek His guidance in all things True healing may be achieved. It is how I have healed two forms of cancer and many other physical ailments without medications or surgeries. I changed my mind about those choices I made to believe and healing occurred instantly.

One must be willing to change their mind about themselves and the world. Once the shift occurs within, the outward world will then shift with you. As you change YOUR mind, the world will change with you. All I am speaking of comes from the understanding of the psychological training Humanity has been put through to manifest the reality we are perceiving both individually and collectively. In looking at all I had experienced, so chose to believe in, I was able to reverse the psychological brainwashing I had been put through to believe I am a victim of this world I perceive and SOMEONE ELSE has authority over me and my choices to be and believe in any way.

Humanity is trained from birth to blindly follow, accept and believe what is dictated to them by those who state they are the authority. Humanity is trained to believe they must conform and they do not have a say or a choice in what is being dictated to them. Pain and suffering are used as the catalyst to gain our capitulations to the dictates from those who state they are the authority. Prohibitions are used as a mental chain binding you to those beliefs which state they are the authority over you.

Your choices to believe in those prohibitions and ACCEPT them for yourself willingly, is what traps you, so enslaves you to another’s will. Your acceptance of their judgments to believe is what keeps you spinning your wheels fruitlessly. Never understanding changing your mind and letting go those prohibitions handed you, will free you to be YOU. It will free you to become Self Governing. You begin to choose what resonates as Truth within you, instead of accepting blindly that which is and has been handed to you.”

My brother responds, “I agree! The first step is the realization that it can be a different way. We get stuck in patterns of belief and thought producing emotional choices we would otherwise not make.

Until we know why we make the choices we make we will just keep making the same choices. The harsher the experience the more engraved the belief structure is in your psyche. That is why it is so important to dig down and get to your core negative beliefs. Everything is derived from fear and self loathing,”

My brothers, every thought going through our mind, is attached to a belief held about an experience. Every emotional and physical response we have is attached to an experience had from our childhood and some may come in our adult years too. Each one had a catalyst of fear or love attached to it which began the foundations of our core beliefs. When you choose to turn within and look at the experiences you remember with the strongest clarity, you will see when and where a foundational belief came into place and being for you. It will be those experiences one basis all believed in from. Each was a choice being made by us to accept what was being handed to us and or make a judgment ourselves based on the treatments we receive. We are responsible for what we choose here. When we can see it, we can change our minds about it. When we change our minds, everything we perceive changes with it, including ourselves.

Blessings on your journeys my brothers. Hugs and love. You are loved. I love you.

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