Hello world. The following was written 12/03/2018.

I came across an article in a group today that talked of how a child will take being ignored as being invisible and so would choose to become egoistic and self centered in their need to get attention. I will leave my brothers name in this for they are an author in the public domain and what they share does have a purpose and a place on the journey for those on that part of the path.

My brother shares, “BEING INVISIBLE

-John McIntosh

Nothing is more terrifying to the body-mind-false-identity than ‘not being SEEN`. Scorn, shame, rebuke, outright condemnation is vastly preferable to being INVISIBLE. The child who is ignored is the child whose innate feelings of unworthiness (all who are not yet FREE have this inbred feeling) will go on to define its life experience in dramatic ways as it grows older, whether overtly or subtly.

Acting out for me was how I manifested the agony of being unseen. Whether it was being a rebel every chance I got or being sullen and moody, I would do anything to feel I `existed`. Others may become tyrants, or power brokers on many playing fields, many will go into selling or acting where their voice and body language has the opportunity of creating a stage anywhere an audience of one or more might exist.

This is not a judgment of parents or institutions who are dismissive of children for whatever reason … that is the `story`, no … it is the recognition of how the world is a giant mirror for the greatest veil to the God we Are — unworthiness. As always, these reflections can be and are `triggers` to take us deep inside beyond the story-drama to the bedrock of all the conditioning that manifests the person who masquerades as an individual … somehow outside ONE-ness, the God we Are.

This dark and terrible baggage that seems to plague so many is the Angel at the gate to Freedom shining Light on who you are NOT. Give your undivided Attention to what this Light is showing you and the gate will soon dissolve along with the false self you have been carrying for eons like a bag of rocks on your back.”

My response, “That is an interesting perspective you put forth there brother, that a child being ignored breeds a belief of unworthiness so would make them become self centered egoists. Something does not feel right with that particular definition, nor the concept that someone else is to blame for what that child is choosing for themselves.

As an infant I was making choices and decisions about what it was I was experiencing and judging them to be. My first memories of these judgments were at 9 months old. I was being force fed by my paternal grandmother. Shortly after that force feeding I was kicked across a room into a brick fireplace by her. In each instant I was judging what I was experiencing to be what it was for me. No one told me anything. All was based on how I was choosing to perceive and so judge my treatment as being so would judge myself as being bad, wrong, unworthy, unwanted and so much more. In each instant I JUDGED what I experienced and so chose to believe I was what I was not.

It was my own choices to judge and believe that cause every ounce of pain and suffering I would experience in my life. Once I accepted responsibility for my choices to believe and so perceive, I could then change my mind and let go those beliefs. Once I let them go I healed on all levels of my Being every pain, sickness and disease was healed instantly. Two forms of cancer gone as if they had never been there.

Children CHOOSE what it is they will believe in just as the adults before them do. In the moment it may feel as if we do not get a choice. Yet the Truth is we DO get a choice. As children we comply and conform to gain acceptance and love from those around us. We do this to get the pain and suffering being meted out to us to stop. As adults we are faced with willingly looking at those choices we made to believe and deciding if we would keep them and the pain and suffering they cause us. When we accept responsibility for those choices we made to believe, we are given the opportunity to let them go and change our minds choosing differently this time.

My point here is that EVERY INDIVIDUAL is responsible for themselves and the choices they have made to believe. NO ONE else is responsible for those choices they have made. It matters not their circumstances. It is ALWAYS their choice to believe as they are choosing to. It is their choice to JUDGE everything as they are choosing to. No one else is making these choices for them. Each of us must be willing to be responsible for ourselves and the choices we have made to believe if we would heal. We may only heal ourselves here. We cannot heal anyone else for we are not able to do their work for them.

Blessings to you on your journey my brother. Hugs and love. You are loved. I love you.”

My brother responds, “Thank you for sharing Sabrina,

Of myself, I am nothing and have no opinions or perspectives. I live as the SELF only and always and what comes … is simply What Is.

The SELF never speaks about the ‘story’ … how the grand dream plays out between the players in it since none of it is real … parents, children, perpetrators, victims … all are ONE Consciousness interacting with IT SELF.

This sharing simply pointed to the ‘blessing’ of the ‘mirrors ‘in life that direct the sleeping consciousness inward where Truth resides. Only the mind [the false self] seeks to analyse how the dream functions and as such … “it always seeks but never finds”.

There are no victims, no perpetrators and no separation … all is ONE in disguise no matter how it may appear.”

My response, “Once again, that is an interesting perspective. As a Mystic or Clear Open Trans Channel the Guidance I am and have been given by Holy Spirit and my Guides has had me Looking at the experiential aspects or “story” as you put it to see the lessons therein. I am then to take those experiences and the lessons learned from them and SHARE them with my brothers so my brothers may heal as I have been healed on all levels of my Being.

Holy Spirit states, “One must understand WHERE they have been, to understand WHERE they ARE AT and to KNOW WHERE they are GOING. If you hold no understanding as to why you do what you do and would choose that, you hold no understanding of who you are nor where you are heading either. Everything is connected one to the other and each has a purpose and reason for being above and beyond that which you have been taught, trained and conditioned to believe so perceive it to be for you. All is learned and so retained in the subconscious mind through the subliminal indoctrination you go through.

Something to consider, what you perceive comes from that which you have chosen to believe is possible to be experienced. You will manifest that which you focus your mental and emotional energies upon good or bad. The power of your ability to imagine so perceive the possibility of a reality is what you use to create your reality from. All is a choice you make to perceive so believe as a possibility. Every choice and decision made is a branching off of your perspective reality and the experiential aspects that would come with it.

EVERY INDIVIDUAL is responsible for themselves and the choices they have made to believe.””

Blessings on your journeys my brothers. Hugs and love. You are loved. I love you.

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