Hello world. The following was written 5/26/2018.

A brother asks, “How many of you hate me because of my nationality, religion and skin color? Please be honest with me and let me know the reason. Would you ever consider me as your friend if you would have seen me directly and had face to face conversation?”

My response, “Brother ask me your questions out in the open for all to witness. I do not participate in private messaging, phone calls or video chats with my brothers. What is of benefit to one is of benefit to all.

I do not judge anyone based on their skin color, religious beliefs, sexual orientations or their political views. In all things I use discernment to look below the surface of what is being presented to the Soul within the shell. How one acts or responds to a situation and those around them speaks far louder than anything they say or try to present to those watching and listening.

I see the Truth buried beneath and behind the false facades and masks my brothers wear and place before them for their brothers to perceive them to be. I witness the Truth of who they are within the shell. I see their Soul unveiled clearly bared. I see through the lies they tell themselves and would have their brothers believe them to be.

Nothing is hidden with me. I am to keep all conversations out in the open for all to witness. When I share, I share openly, honestly, bluntly and authentically the experiential aspect of my journey with the lessons learned from them. I do not fluff anything up or hold anything back in my sharing. I explain in detail where I was at mentally, emotionally and even physically during each experience and how my perceptions of them have shifted so changed. I share how each one was of benefit to me with those lessons I have learned through them.

Let go this need to know what another is thinking and believing of you. It does not matter what another is choosing to think and believe of you. All that matters is how YOU choose to SEE yourself. The only opinion which matters and will ever matter would be your own opinion of yourself.

Each time you do this seeking outside of you in a another, you hand away your ability to be Self Governing. You are willingly enslaving yourself to your another’s dictates of who you are and are supposed to be. Let go this need to know what another is thinking and believing you to be. Accept yourself as you are and where you are at on your journey WITHOUT JUDGMENTS. When you do this you will find yourself the happier and at peace within when all is in chaos around you.

Blessings on your journeys my brothers. Hugs and love. You are loved. I love you.

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