Hello world. The following was written 4/4/2015.
The guidance I am getting is a concept misconceived. Holy Spirit has shown me when we go within to Him and look at whatever is triggering, He will give us the corrections we need to see things truly. We WILL NOT get our answer from outside of us when the sharing being done is subjective. We cannot share or teach anyone anything until we have gone within and healed ourselves first.
When two or more join together in His name to share they share from their experiences and their perceptions at the time of it and as they see it now. They talk about what they went through and how they are perceiving it differently in their lives. How they now see it as a gift. They are not telling anyone they should do this or that. They are not telling anyone what they are doing wrong. They are listening to hear where their Brother is at on their journey and they offer only another way to see it. A new perspective to contemplate it from that they did not consider before. In this way we help our brothers heal their hearts and minds. This is the sharing Jesus speaks of. The going within to Him, Holy Spirit, and only Holy Spirit to look at what you are believing and asking for correction.
Holy Spirit crosses our paths with those who have had similar experiences in their lives at different levels of severity. When they heal or we heal, we are then able to help heal each other when we see it all differently in our hearts and minds. When we get the correction from within with Holy Spirit, He then helps others to hear our Truth as they need too. We testify and they witness the Truth of how Holy Spirit, Jesus, and God are working in our lives. When we ask for and receive the corrections we then find the conflict and pain stop. We have inner peace then. This is what true happiness and joy is meant to be. NO pain or conflict of any kind. We only get pain and conflict when we listen to those outside of us and believe what they are telling us. Told we should do what they say and how they say it. Told we are doing everything wrong and they know what is right for you and everyone else.
Go within and contemplate with Holy Spirit my words to you here and He will show you the Truth of them. You are building your Faith and Trust in Holy Spirit right now and His guidance as Truth. When you listen to those outside of you and believe what they say you feel doubt and inner conflict in your heart. Holy Spirit says the ego is in the mind. Holy Spirit is and will always be in the heart. Your heart will always guide you to Truth when you place IT in Holy Spirit’s hands. Leave go your grip on what your mind tells you and follow Holy Spirit into your heart sweet Brothers.
Blessings on your journeys my brothers. Hugs and love. You are loved. I love you.