Hello World. The following was written 8/10/2021.
Humanity, history has a tendency to repeat itself when the masses refuse to pay attention and remember the events which have occurred in their past which were catalysts to dark events. Dates, times, events and energies, repeat themselves until the lessons are learned by the masses. Lessons such as those outlined through the Nuremberg Trials of how we are each a Sovereign Being who is responsible for what we choose so do. The excuse we are just following orders does not absolve us of responsibility for our choices, decisions and actions. We are fully responsible for ourselves and that which we choose to think, say, do and believe in.
Throughout history Humanity has been manipulated on a subconscious level to willingly hand away their Sovereignty of Being to be Self Governing so Self Reliant to an authority which does not exist anywhere but in their own mind. They are indoctrinated into obedience from the moment of their birth using their own minds, emotions and love as the tools of manipulation and control with the application of fear. Fear of the unknown, pain, suffering, punishment, ostracism and death.
Take a look at the Inquisition, when the Church split into separate house of Light and Dark, with the Dark taking over with forced conversions to their religion such as happened with Nostradamus. He was forced to convert to Catholicism from Judaism as his family was Jewish and had migrated to Italy when he was a child. He was forced to hide and practice his Jewish beliefs in secret. Consider Joan of Arc and other characters in our ancient past and you will see these patterns playing out on a larger scale with more clues to the next steps to occur. History repeats itself when no one pays attention to the details of what is or has occurred.
Consider that has been playing out in the here and now. All has happened before on smaller scales or so it seems. Consider how Humanity has willingly complied with their own incarceration, isolation and poisoning. Throughout history and time those in authority have used psychological warfare tactics on their enemies and their own citizens. They have propagated fear of the unknown to manipulate so control what is thought, perceived, seen so believed. They use ones own mind and emotions against them, to manipulate and control them. They use ones Love against them as a tool of control.
Throughout history the underlining foundations every Society has taught its citizens is Obedience to the Authority and the dictates of the Society they are born into. Every child was taught to conform so comply with what their Society dictated as being appropriate so acceptable. All were trained to OBEY the authority and believe the authority had the right to punish, torture, enslave, use, reward and kill you if they chose to. This training uses the fear of the unknown of punishment, pain, suffering ostracism and death on a subliminal psychological level, to gain ones willing compliance to the dictates of the authority and their Society.
This training starts at birth. The conditioning of ones mind psychologically to hand away their Sovereignty of Being to be Self Governing so Self Reliant as they are meant to be, for a false sense of safety, security, acceptance, approval and love. Children are taught they are required to accept, follow and believe whatever the authority tells them is the Truth. They are taught they are required to conform and comply or punishment will be their reward. Consider the mind screw placed before them and you.
Humanity is coerced and manipulated to conform, comply, accept, follow, adhere to and believe what is dictated to them by an assumed authority figure or punishments of pain, suffering, ostracism and death will be their reward. This is coercion under duress occurring, which is a form of indoctrination. All of Humanity is indoctrinated into the cult mentality which is labeled as the Society they are born into. Forced to adhere to the rules, laws, regulations, prohibitions and limitations their Society rules them under.
Everything is interconnected one unto the others seamlessly. History is repeating itself and more of Humanity is awakening to what has been occurring subtly and not so subtly on a rinse repeat cycle. Such as these lockdowns, variants and the twisting of Truth to lies so the masses believe those not jabbed could harm those who are supposed to be protected from them by the jab they accepted. These jabs have never worked and are what is causing the spread of this illness. Those jabbed are dying and killing others unknowing with their peer, work and government pressures to get the jab.
What we are witnessing is Nazi Germany all over again, with the masses blindly believing the narratives handed them by the authority. At first they persecuted men, then the color of your skin. Then it became your ethnicity and race. Now it is your medical status of jabbed or not jabbed. If you get the jab you keep your job. If you refuse the jab you lose your job. You are penalized for refusing to poison yourself, because it is what your Society is now dictating you do. Do you see the psychology in play here yet? Can you see how it has been repeated again and again throughout history?
Blessings on your journeys my brothers. Hugs and love. You are loved. I love you.