Hello world. The following was written 09/28/2018.
It seems many of our representatives and those in government, are no different than Bill Cosby. He wore a false façade and mask to create an image which was no more than an illusion, to hide the true character of his nature from the public eye. When the Truth came out at first, it was not believed. More and more evidence came out to prove the lie he was. What these politicians have done, is try to create a “white” Bill Cosby” through Kavanaugh. Problem is, Kavanaugh is not made of the same material as any of these people. He is actually, honest and authentic. Something none of them can state of themselves or comprehend the value of.
Do you remember representative Graham asking Kavanaugh, at the end of the confirmation hearings, about the law before the circus began about 9/11 when we were placed under a Martial Law which was never lifted? How he began asking Kavanaugh about the differences between civil law, martial law and the different kinds of martial law and what those entail? Graham pointed out anyone colluding with foreign agents and governments to undermine our Constitution are to be considered enemy combatants and traitors. According to our laws, treason is punishable by death.
Each of those democratic representatives were scared to death, because they are looking death in the face. Kavanaugh could move us closer to the majority vote for Constitutional Law. Once he is confirmed we would be much closer to there being enough Constitutionalist Justices to uphold our laws.
Believe it or not, all of this started with JFK. Look into the JFK files which were released when Trump took office. Those files outline all the corruption and who the key players were and now are. It also outlines the money trails of all of them and how all the drugs, arms, human trafficking and child sex trafficking has been being accomplished. Those who were at the top in JFK’s time, had proteges. Their children and their proteges are now our politicians, current and recent leaders. Nothing is as it may seem.
Do you remember the saying, “Remember the Alamo!”? History repeats itself when Humanity does not pay attention. Just as they did with the Alamo, our politicians are playing a game with our lives. They are willingly destroying and killing us off to create as much chaos as they can, to manipulate the People to beg to be saved from them. Do you remember the Alamo? Do you remember?
Blessings on your journeys my brothers. Hugs and love. You are loved. I love you.