Hello world. The following was written 8/27/2017.
I am baring witness to my brothers judging any and all who do not think and believe as they do. In some ways what I am hearing them say is a form of racism. For they are placing the value and worth of animals as more worthy than Humanity. The other day a brother posted a video of a child catching a fish. The joy and excitement of the moment for the child was beautiful to see. Watching their trust and belief in themselves and their ability to do for themselves was a wonder to behold.
Yet, there were those who could not perceive what was happening in the video. Instead they judged it, the child, the parents and society. Calling people man animals, evil and any number of other disparaging remarks. Anyone who would share a different view was immediately attacked and called names. All this stemmed from their belief everyone should think, believe and do as they have chosen to do. One chooses to eat only fruit. Another chooses only vegetables. Both of these brothers chose to target me when I shared the following statement.
My statement, “Judge not what another has chosen for themselves. Their path or journey is different than your own. You have negated the circle of life with your judgmental statements. Plants eat animals and animals eat plants. Humanity is also part of this circle. As we partake of the plants and animals they to shall partake of us. Everything is connected one unto the other. Give gratitude for what is given you in those moments you eat. For it is the energy of gratitude which feeds you and love which will sustain you.”
When I logged in the next day and read their commentaries, I found myself responding with the following.
My response, “Until you have walked a mile in another’s shoes DO NOT JUDGE THEM what it is they do so choose. Until you have been homeless and starving on the streets, DO NOT judge them what they choose. Each of you are self absorbed, self righteous, egotistical bigots. You judge anyone who does not think, believe and do as you have chosen. Each of your commentaries show just how little minded each of you are. I happen to be a mixture of Asian, Caucasian, and Native American. The nutrients needed for MY BODY are very different from what YOU need. As I stated and I stand by my statement, you negate the circle of life. I am not what you think I am. YOU are what you think I am.”
My brothers, please stop judging what the Being next to you is choosing for themselves. What they are choosing is none of your business and has nothing to do with you. You have no say in what someone else is choosing for themselves. Stop pushing your beliefs and choices down your brothers throats. Stop judging them for choosing something different than you have. Misery may love company, but it does not mean anyone has to join you in yours. You got yourself into it, now get yourself out of it. Stop trying to drag the rest of Humanity down into the pit of hell you have made for yourself. It was and is YOUR choice and not theirs.
Blessings on your journeys my brothers. Hugs and love. You are loved. I love you.