Hello Humanity. The following was written 02/22/2025.

Thank you my brothers for sharing part of your journey and that which you were faced with and experiencing. It gives context and an understanding of where you were at on your journey then and where you are at on your journey now. It opens a door of understanding that which is or has been experienced by others of a similar nature. 

Like you I was born as I AM with all of the abilities given me. Unfortunately my family perceived me as evil and demon possessed, as did the Catholic Church back then. I was beaten into submission and forced to deny who I AM and that which I am able to do until I turned 14. At 14 I walked away from the Church and at 16 my family who would not and could not accept me as I AM. When I walked away I chose to follow The Holy Spirit who instructed me to begin learning of the worlds religions and Spiritual practices of its Indigenous Peoples. 

What I learned were these belief systems held the same foundational principles. Where they veer from each other is were man stepped in and twisted the teachings into something else. What The Holy Spirit was teaching and showing me were the “Foundations” Humanity has built their realities upon, are illusions. A form of psychological warfare has been used to indoctrinate the child into accepting, complying and adhering to willingly the dictates of their society and all they “assume” are authority figures. Similar to ones compliance to a parents request they do as they are told. As the child you perceived so believed in your parents authority over you. That belief had you submitting to their requests even though it caused you extreme pain and suffering to do so. 

As a child I did the same thing myself to get the pain, suffering and abuses to stop for a time. Problem was it never truly stopped, which meant I would continue to give in and hand away my Sovereignty to someone else over and over until I chose to stop accepting and complying willingly. It took me nearly 30 years to accept myself as I AM, where I AM and when I AM. To accept these things I experience are real and are not imaginary. Thirty years to stop blindly accepting the judgments and recriminations of others.

I experience the pain of others in my body as if it is my own. I see ones Soul Bared, nothing is hidden from me. I AM shown the seeds they hold within them of the pain and suffering they must willingly look at if they would heal. The Holy Spirit has used items seen as disabilities as tool of teaching, such as synesthesia and dyslexia. The Holy Spirit used my dyslexia to block me from taking in that which has mired my brothers in the quick sands and mire of another’s choosing. He has used the synesthesia to help me discern Truth from lie, prevarication from unknowing and much more. The Holy Spirit has shown me how all I experience is for my benefit, edification and Spiritual Growth on this journey. Everything has a purpose and reason for being experienced as it is. 

It is in hind sight I begin to understand how what I experienced was needed in the moment. In 2020 My Husband and I were intent on going to DC to hear President Trump speak. The Holy Spirit blocked us from going to that event. How did The Holy Spirit block you so stop you, you ask? Anaphylactic shock and pneumonia, is how. The only thing that would stop me in my tracks was almost dying.

Fifty three years of death and near death experiences which have stopped me in my tracks. Each one a deep dark hole I fell into in my head long pace of seeking. Each one stopped me in my tracks and I had to claw and climb my way out by myself, because it was me who got myself there in the first place. I could not blame anyone else for what I had been choosing for me.

The process to healing will be the same for everyone, because it requires one to willingly turn within and look at themselves and that which they are choosing to accept and believe. As I observe so bare witness to that which Humanity is expressing, it becomes more and more apparent those screaming the loudest may have something to hide or are part of the problem. Many are choosing to blindly accept so believe those who have proven themselves to be liars, frauds and corrupt.

Because of the perspectives I share, many make assumptions about me which simply are not true. Things such as I must have voted for Trump. I have to admit I do support Trump and all he is doing at this time in unveiling the fraud and corruption and the steps he is taking to remove it and keep it from coming back. Yet, I did not vote for Trump the first, second or third time. Why? Because I am not in my home state. My Husband and I have been traveling looking for work since Biden took office. Coming from California we were extremely aware of the fraud in the government, so knew voting would be difficult at best. We could see what was occurring and knew there was little we could do to change it at the time. So we watched, listened and chose to try and be a part of a moment in history and The Holy Spirit stopped us. The Holy Spirit saved us from ourselves. It is in hind sight we now see the Truth of this aspect of our journey of experiences. 

I was guided to respond to a brother who chose to respond to something my Husband had shared regarding the TDS being expressed so fervently here in the United States and world wide by those in the governments or connected/attached to the governments financially. This conversation points out the assumptions and projections being made and how most are coming from a deep seated fear within the Individual which is being fed by what they are choosing for themselves. It also shows the disconnection those screaming have from themselves and that which they have been choosing. Such as our brother admitting they once worked for the DOD. This admittance shows they WERE part of the problem at some point. Especially since it is THIS ADMINISTRATION who is choosing to do something about the fraud and corruptions within our government and its agencies such as the very DOD this brother was once part of.

A brother states, “I am not against auditing the government. It’s Trump’s methods that most of us oppose. Most of the theft from the government agencies happens at the top, so why start at the bottom? Because by starting there, it’s easier to cripple the people and the government. This is a coup, a government takeover by a man who sees himself as a king, a dictator, one in total control of everything and everybody.

As for Musk, I don’t trust him just because he’s smart and rich. That’s why I Don’t trust him. He and DOGE have no reason to have access to our personal and private information. Trump has no idea what Musk is doing. None.”

My response, “Nothing is as it may seem to be. You JUDGE the messengers instead of looking at what it is they are placing before you. When you stand in judgment of the messengers, you BLOCK yourself from receiving and hearing the messages they bring.

The message right now is, NOTHING IS AS YOU BELIEVE! NOTHING!!!! 

Get down from your self righteous egotistical high horse and LOOK AT WHAT IS BEING PLACED BEORE YOU! In 5(FIVE) weeks DOGE has uncovered over $50 BILLION in FRAUD and CORRUPTION as well as SEDITION and TREASON by Obama, Biden, Clinton, Bush, main stream legacy media, pharmaceutical industry, CIA, FBI, DOJ and many other agencies and even private corporations such as facebook and twitter. Every single one has been found to be STEALING the money of We The People.

Get your head out of the sand for THERE ARE NO VICTIMS HERE! You are not a victim and neither is anyone else. Common Sense is no longer common! If you are online your private information is out there for the world to see. When nothing is HIDDEN, NOTHING can be used to manipulate or coerce one to another’s will, dictates and ideology. As I stated Common Sense is no longer common and your responses show you have NO COMMON SENSE!

My guess would be you are on the teat of the government and are probably getting a handout which is why you are so bent out of shape right now. That or you are a criminal as Biden and the last administration was. Whatever the case may be, get over yourself.

I am legally disabled and have been for many years. I used to be on SSD. When I got married and changed my name, Obama/Biden decided I was no longer disabled and booted me from SSD. In my mind anyone fighting against the uncovering of fraud and corruption are part of the fraud and corruption. Why else would they be against its uncovering?

You appear to be part of the problem and part of the issue because you do not have the Common Sense God gave Humanity if your commentary here is any indication. Please, go look at WHO I AM! Maybe you will actually learn something and heal yourself.”

Our brother responds, “You are very delusional in your thinking and accusations. But I’m not really surprised. 

Your message of, “NOTHING IS AS YOU BELIEVE” is your message, not mine or the world’s. You are speaking from your own ego and judgement. Again, I’m not surprised.

DOGE has claimed to have uncovered over $50 Billion, they have not proven anything. As for Corruption, Sedition, and Treason, that’s all on your guy, Trump.

Who owns “Twitter”, now X? Elon Musk. Who owns Facebook? Mark Zuckerberg. Both Billionaires.

As for your guess that I’m “on the teat of the government” and getting a handout, you are soo wrong. You couldn’t be more wrong. My husband served over 21 years in the United States Air Force and I am a former DOD employee.

You, however, admit your anger at being cut off from disability and blame it on Obama and Biden. They didn’t personally take your SSD away. From what I could see on your page, you were Healed and saved by your husband. When the body gets healed, it’s no longer disabled. So what’s your problem with that?

Clearly you are not as enlightened and healed as you claim to be.

You are a mean and nasty person, not a mystic as you claim. Perhaps you need to get over Yourself. 

I’m not a criminal like you accused me of being. I use my voice to speak up for those who can’t, or aren’t listened to. My life and career have been about serving others. I encourage you to try it. Namaste.”

My response, “Continue reading what it is I have been sharing for the last 20 years in death and resuscitation cycles and the looking at what it is The Holy Spirit has placed before me. My own family has served this country generationally since the early 1800’s. My maternal grandfather was a Merchant Marine who came here in the late 1800’s and helped rebuild San Francisco after the 1906 earthquake and also helped to build the Golden Gate Bridge. 

I am Native American, Asian and Caucasian. My son served 8 years in the Army Airborne, jumping out of planes and is now disabled because his chute failed to deploy not once, but twice. He served this country and has been denied medical care, as has my brother and other members of my extended family who have served this country.

What my Husband saved me from was being forcibly institutionalized and medicated against my will. He wheeled me out of the hospital and refused to allow them to take me by force. I had already healed multiple cancers and other diseases without medications or surgeries by listening to The Holy Spirit and looking at whatever it was The Holy Spirit was placing before me. 

I may have healed all diseases within this form, but it did not fix the 11 degree angle my arm is at, the vertebrae which are shoved into my skull or the ribs shoved out of place. Each one on its own places me on a permanently disabled listing by the medical industry and the governments own standards. Those disabilities did not go away. Neither did the heart murmur I was born with which has killed me multiple times already, the first moments after my birth.

Keep digging yourself deeper into the hole you are making for yourself. You only have yourself to blame for all you think you experience for it IS what you are choosing for you. There are no victims when everything is a choice the Individual has chosen to make for themselves. You chose to enslave yourself. No one else is required to choose as you are choosing for you. I had to die and be resuscitated over 100 times in this lifetime on this journey to comprehend and understand NOTHING IS AS IT SEEMS TO BE. All of Humanity is indoctrinated into the cult mentality labeled as the society they are born into. All are trained to conform and comply with their own enslavement and eventual death at their own hand.

May I suggest you do some research into indoctrination and the myriad forms and ways it is implemented through non-physical contact and physical contact. You used to work for the DOD so consider all the ways the government goes after people as form of non contact TORTURE using their minds and emotions to manipulate them through the catalysts of fear, pain an suffering.

As a child my rapists and molester’s used my love of my family and pets as a tool of leverage against me. By threatening to hurt and even kill those I cared about. At 9 years old I was given a choice to submit to their raping of me or watch my dogs throat get cut open and my little brother done the same way. Coercion and manipulation are the tools used against Humanity just as they were used against the child I used to be. NOTHING is as it seems to be in this reality of illusions all are trained to accept as real so true.

You are allowed to believe as you so choose to. Just because you have chosen to believe in something, does not mean it is real or true. I speak from personal experiences had on my journey and the lessons I had to learn from those experiences. I had to recognize what I was choosing and why I was choosing it. Once I could see what I chose and why, I could then let go what I had chosen for me and choose something different. I had to accept I cannot save the world or anyone else within it. I can only save myself and become an example of a different way of being so perceiving. I had to accept everything is a choice and I may only choose for me what resonates for me and no one else.”

Our brother responds, “We all have personal journeys and experiences. Please take everything you just said and flip it around. Can you see from that perspective?

We may not even be able to save ourselves in this, but we can certainly help take care of one another in the process. Your view seems very limited and self serving, with sharp edges. I hope it’s not.”

My response, “You assume I am bitter and brain washed. IF you had looked at the things I have shared over the years you would have found I did not vote for Trump the first time, second or even third. Yet, I AM able to see the TRUTH of what is and has been occurring to him and those under his administration every time. I AM able to OBSERVE all the players on the field and in the audience. I watch and listen so hear and see what ALL are choosing so doing. You cannot state the same. In not picking or choosing a side I am able to SEE ALL SIDES EQUALLY. The TRUTH is being unveiled and all who stand in opposition to it are choosing to continue the status quo of enslavement and abuse willingly for themselves. It is a choice they have made and will have to look at so heal themselves of.

I AM THAT I AM. Your acceptance or JUDGMENTS of me hold no merit, baring or meaning for me or anyone else but you. You must live with what you choose so are responsible for what you experience. No one needs you to defend them or speak for them. It is an assumption you are making and choosing to place yourself in front of and ABOVE another as if you know better than they do. Only a fool believes they know what is best for another. Are you a FOOL?

It seems as if you may well be a FOOL here. Look in your mirror before you choose to share your prerogatives again. Look at what you are choosing for you and ask yourself, IS THIS TRUE. When The Holy Spirit asked me that question of all I was choosing to believe in I had to realize and accept up to that point on my journey I had been blindly accepting and believing in nothing but LIES because I believed my family, teachers, doctors, religions and the government would never LIE TO ME, HURT ME or TRY TO KILL ME. Guess what? Each and every one of them lied to me and tried to kill me multiple times and many succeeded. Yet, here I AM still here alive and speaking the TRUTH which they have tried to do their best to silence me permanently. Everything I speak of is DOCUMENTED and can be VERIFIED it is the TRUTH! I seriously doubt you would be able to state the same.”

Our brother responds, “What you are is Insane. What you say is the Holy Spirit was probably just voices in your head.

I’m not going to wade through years of your insanity, good grief.
You have managed to create a lofty pedestal for yourself from which you only see what you want to see. That’s my observation of you, not an assumption.

I’m not going back and forth with you anymore. I AM done here.”

My response, “Truth is Truth! Truth cannot be changed, only denied. It is the denial of Truth which causes all the pain and suffering one experiences on their journey. The angst, anger and rage experienced are directly correlated to that which one is in denial of.

By the way, the DOJ, CIA, FBI and a number of other agencies within the government such as the Pentagon, have files on me of my history and psychic abilities. As I stated before I will state again, everything I share is the TRUTH and can be verified. When I was 14 those agencies came to interview me regarding the rapes and molestations I experienced at age 9, which occurred on a military base by a neighbor. 

I AM open, honest and authentic. I hide nothing because I have nothing to hide. When one has nothing to hide, they cannot be manipulated or coerced because they no longer live in fear. You say you had a government job. Then you have access to find out if what I shared is true or not. If you are not seeking the TRUTH, then it makes more sense why everything which is occurring has you up in arms now.

Only the TRUTH is TRUE! I AM speaking only Truth. As I stated, everything I share can be verified it is TRUE. Now run along and hide from the TRUTH as it slaps you in the face again and again.”

In sharing some of the darkest experiences had on my journey, I give context with an understanding of how all has been for my own benefit, edification and Spiritual growth. When I share the context I become a LIVING example of the shifts which occur within when healing is received. Context gives understanding.

Please be the Light, I know you to be. Please be the Light, I see you to be. Please be the Light, you are meant to be. Please CHOOSE, to be the LIGHT.

Blessings on your journeys my brothers. Hugs and love. You are loved. I love you.

Previous post Once the Truth is seen it cannot be unseen.

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