Hello world. The following was written 01/27/2016.

con·scious·ness; ˈkän(t)SHəsnəs/; noun: the state of being awake and aware of one’s surroundings.

“she failed to regain consciousness and died two days later”

the awareness or perception of something by a person.

plural noun: consciousnesses

“her acute consciousness of Mike’s presence”

the fact of awareness by the mind of itself and the world.

“consciousness emerges from the operations of the brain”

As Alex and I were doing the filming of lesson 26 Holy Spirit had me sharing about consciousness. According to the Course “Consciousness” is considered to be right-minded thinking with Holy Spirit. If consciousness is right minded thinking with Holy Spirit, then what is this thing I have been calling consciousness all my life?

What I am being shown is what we are taught is consciousness is nothing more than Egoistic thinking. We are taught to live in an egoistic consciousness from the day we are born. We do not “see”. We do not “hear”. Instead we are taught to conform and follow blindly with no thoughts. Just do as you are told and do not ask questions.

Holy Spirit is telling me the way I was taught to think and believe is an egoistic way of thinking. I am to judge everyone and everything I come into contact with. This is what I have been taught is consciousness. He, Holy Spirit is telling me I have been taught a lie. This is not consciousness. This is the illusion. We are asleep behind the wheel of life. We have to make a choice to change what it is we are thinking and believing as being Truth. We have to question what we have been taught to believe in.

As I have been doing this course I have found myself stepping back more and more from everything and everyone. I have found myself observing and questioning what I perceive. As I do this I find myself being shown what it is I am and have been doing. I am also being shown what it is my brothers are doing to themselves as well. We have all been following the dictates of those around us as if “they” know what is best for us. We latch on to what another says because it is what we are wanting to hear. We are not interested in the Truth. We only want to continue to believe what we want. We hear what we want to hear and see what it is we are wanting to perceive. This is EGOISTIC Thinking. This is wrong minded thinking!

In doing this course I have come to see this Truth. Everything I was taught to believe in is a lie. All I was taught to do is judge and fear. To be ashamed and guilty about who I am. That is not what being conscious is. That is being asleep. As I step back and start to question everything I am being shown I am given His, Holy Spirit’s, Truth. As I align myself with Holy Spirit and do as He is asking me to do I am given the Truth.

As I look within at everything He places before me I am being healed. I am healing physically, mentally and emotionally from the brainwashing I was taught was the Truth. As I hand over all to Holy Spirit I am shown His Truth. As I accept His Truth I align myself more fully in His right minded thinking. It is only in this way that we become truly conscious.

I no longer listen to what others have to say as being true. I see now the lies they are believing in. I am no longer seeking out others to tell me what is true. I no longer am seeking answers from a book either. I have learned I will never find the Truth in any of those “Forms”. All have been shown to me to be the lies they were based from. Egoistic lies based out of fear, shame, blame and guilt. That something has gone wrong and that I need to do as someone else is dictating. Follow my path I know the way for you.

As I go within and ask for correction to what I think I perceive I am shown the Truth. I am shown the lies of judgments and fears. I am shown what it is I was believing in and what it is my brothers ARE believing in still. Their refusal to go within and see what it is they are doing. They keep picking and choosing what they think will be best for them and everyone else. When conflict arises they decide what it is that is happening. They judge it to be this or that. They do not stop to ask if it is true. This is Egoistic Consciousness at it’s finest folks.

The only way to get to True Consciousness is to go within to Holy Spirit and ask for the Truth of what you think, believe and perceive. Ask for His corrections to these things. As I continue to align myself with Holy Spirit and His way of thinking and seeing I find myself being Truly Conscious for the first time in my life. I am seeing things without the blinders of fear. I am choosing to go within to Holy Spirit and in so doing am being given the Truth. More and more I am becoming truly Conscious of who I am and who my brothers are.

This is what Consciousness truly is. The right minded thinking of Holy Spirit and NOT the Egoistic thinking we have been taught. You are not awake yet folks. You are not yet Conscious! Until you stop picking and choosing what you believe needs to be looked at you will never awaken. You will continue down the rabbit hole of the Hell you have created for yourselves. In all of this you do it to yourself. Every painful thing you endure is of your own creation. It is because what you think and believe in you project out on the world around you. You manifest it in your life with your belief in it. You do all this to yourself. You are responsible for this.

You have a choice in everything you do. This is why we have free will. We get to pick the things we want to believe in. You are being given a chance to choose again and choose differently this time. To continue being unconscious with your egoistic thinking or to wake up with Holy Spirit’s thinking. The choice is yours and has always been yours. Will you choose again? Will you choose differently this time? It is up to you. What will you choose?

Blessings on your journeys my brothers. Hugs and love. You are loved. I love you.

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