Hello world. The following was written 2/21/2017.

I shared a picture of a letter written in 1931 by a doctor talking about how taking from one to give to another does not increase wealth. It decreases it instead. It talked about a belief system being taught that destroys and one that builds. The responses to this post were interesting to say the least. The following are the comments made by my brothers and my responses to them, followed by what I am being shown by Holy Spirit and my Guides of what is happening below the surface.

A brother reacts, “Vicious lies. Life is not a zero sum game and giving to the needy is a moral imperative. This statement attempts to justify greed, hoarding and meanness. Why is it so important that others live up to someone else’s ideals? Despite the fear, half of all people are not unwilling to work. As an employer, putting employees in your place of business that don’t want to work is ruinous. Condemning them to starvation is cruel and unjustifiable.”

My response, “So what you are saying then brother, is that since I am not able to work I can now demand half of your income and property since I feel I need what you have? Is this what you are saying? If so, then start paying up brother. For every dime you make I demand half. Based on your reasoning this is acceptable to you. You have now gained a dependent whether you know who they are or not.”

My brother responds, “It doesn’t bother me at all. I gladly share all that I have. Everyone is my beloved brother and sister. I came into the world with nothing and I will leave with nothing. Why should sharing bother me? I can only gain by giving. That is G-d’s law.”

My response, “Case in point, in some states if a person is registered (as in receiving mail at said location) as staying at a residence for more than 30 days uninterrupted they are then considered a viable tenant and must be evicted via the courts. It matters not that there is no contract or legal documents signed by either party. All that matters is that they are claiming ownership rights to your property or in this case access rights. Having owned rental properties before I have had to deal with just such a situation. It cost me a $1000 to get them out and in the process lost another couple grand in rents as well as another grand to fix what they destroyed.”

My brother states, “I understand, you feel entitled to things. I wish you well.”

My response, “Projection. Wow, my Guides have just given me a great example or analogy to give a clearer and deeper understanding. Consider all the people you know. All your relatives, friends, customers, co-workers. Out of all of those Beings there is usually at least one or two that get under our skin and rub us wrong in all ways. That one person you would just as soon never hear of or see again as long as you live kind of being.

Now that you have that mental picture in your mind. That person has now moved into your house and your bed and are going to stay there with you supporting them until THEY decide they want to leave if ever. You now have to feed, clothe, and shelter them whether you want to or not until they decide they want to leave. You cannot leave them behind and move. If you move they move with you.

Contemplate that in your mind a bit and ask yourself again if you still hold this belief that you are responsible for anyone but YOU.”

My brother responds, “I am never angry for the reason I think. People that “irritate” me are my greatest teachers because I am seeing aspects of myself that I reject. I am here to serve my Creator. No matter the situation, I choose love and acceptance. My light will shine for love and peace and kindness.”

My response, “When I find myself reacting brother I immediately begin questioning what I am thinking, feeling emotionally, and experiencing physically. In those precise moments I am able to see how they are directly connected one to the other. I am also able to recognize that it is within my own mind that the issue is. For in those moment I am the one who has or is judging what is occurring to be other than it really is. Blessings to you brother. Hugs and love.”

A brother asks, “I’m confused, please explain why this is posted in an ACIM fb page? I thought only ACIM related material or thoughts were welcomed.”

My response, “If everything is for our benefit, why then would this be any different? It brings to light a belief system to be looked at.”

Ladies and Gentlemen what I am witnessing again and again is the picking and choosing of what is or is not going to be of benefit by my brothers. That anything that does not meet with their view and approval must be destroyed and removed as if it may taint them in some way. In each and every instant they are judging everyone and everything to be worthy or unworthy. That my brothers, is the Egoistic mind at play or an Enlightened Ego mind of the paid gurus and teachers trying to play the game of judging who is worthy enough to be heard.

My brothers, everything we experience is for our benefit. It matters not if you agree with what is being placed before you. It does not matter if your brother does not see things as you do. If everything is for your benefit, how could anything ever be or go wrong, EVER? The only way that could possibly happen or come true is if YOU are the one picking and choosing, giving it meaning, judging it to be whatever it is. YOU are the one with the issue here. Not your brother!

The conflict is not out there in the world. The conflict is inside of YOU! The conflict is attached to these things that YOU CHOOSE to believe in and judge as being the Truth. Just because you believe it, does not make it true. This is why it keeps bringing up conflict within you. It is because YOU have chosen to hold a belief that IS NOT TRUE!

Do the work. Please do the work. Go within and look at what it is you do here. This is why going within and looking at everything we have ever experienced is needed and necessary. If we cannot look at where we have been, we cannot see where we are really at, nor where we are actually going.

In looking within at all I have experienced I see what I chose to do in the moment and am able to choose again choosing differently now. I accept responsibility for those choices I made to believe as I did. In doing so I could then change my mind and that my brothers is when healing really occurs. I had to accept responsibility for MYSELF and MY CHOICES. Just as my brothers must accept responsibility for themselves and the choices they have and are making.

We can only be and accept RESPONSIBILITY for OURSELVES. We cannot be or take responsibility for the choices our brother chooses to make EVER. Even if that choice leaves them destitute, starving and homeless. It is part of their journey and a lesson they have come here to learn. You have NO RIGHT to take that lesson from them. This is why each and every one of us is given FREE WILL. We are to choose what resonates within our own hearts as the Truth for us. When we take the choice away from our brother we are infringing on their FREE WILL to choose for themselves.

Think about that for a moment. Let that one sink in real real slow and deep now. You are taking away your brothers Free Will to choose for themselves every time you choose to pick and choose and judge what is worthy or unworthy to be heard, seen, perceived, and experienced by them.

In willingly looking within at my own experiences and the beliefs I once held I can see what my brothers are still choosing to think and believe in themselves. I can see all sides and where they are in regards their beliefs and fears. As I observe the chaos around me throughout the world and within my brothers I find I am able to understand where all of them are in the moment.

This is what doing the inner work leads to. Becoming the Observer. Being in this world, but not of it. Simply being and no longer reacting. Please do the work. No one but you can do it.

Blessings on your journeys my brothers. Hugs and love. You are loved. I love you.

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