Hello world. The following was written 8/16/2018.
Today seems to be a day of visions for me. I am being shown a TV with a beautiful landscape on the screen. Within the picture is a single pixel whose colors are fluctuating in comparison to those around them. Each pixel represents a Living Light Being. The picture on the screen is a co-creation of every Living Light Being on the planet. This picture is representative of the Collective Consciousness of the Collective Mind of the masses. Think about this one, for a minute.
Each Light Being is a part of a larger picture of which they have no understanding. Until they are able to step back or rise above the crowd to get a better perspective of what is really happening around them. They cannot see how they are connected one to the other. They cannot see how they are equals, so the same.
The fluctuation of colors in the pixel is representative of the playing out and release of emotionally charged energies and belief systems. As the pixel releases each belief the color fades away until nothing is left but the purest of Light tones. As one pixel clears the veils from before them, another pixel starts to change. They follow the example set by the pixel next to them. They let go of all they thought they were. This process continues until every single pixel has made the change.
What is left in this moment is a seemingly empty screen of the purest Light. It is in this moment the consciousness of All That Is has come back to its original state. It is from this state we the masses shall create the world we want to experience. When we do this, we shall do so consciously as one Light Being of one Mind, one Soul with one intent, the betterment of all.
What I am being shown is how each of us must work to clear everything we have been taught to think, say, do and believe in as being true. Once we have done this clearing, all blocks to the love within us and our connections to each other will be removed. Once we have done this clearing, we will then have a blank canvas with which to create a new way to live and be.
Just as the pixel stands out on the TV screen, so too does the one who is awakening from the masses. Their Inner Light shines very brightly and cannot be dimmed by the shadows of others. The shadows being their judgments and opinions of what is or should be. When one stands in their Light of Truth without fear of any kind, none may move them from their path. All one may do is witness their Truth for themselves and begin to question themselves as to what it is they have been choosing to believe.
Become the pixel. Stand in your Light of Truth. Be the authentic you, you are meant to be. Testify to the Light within you. Let your Light be a beacon to those still lost in their darkness. Be the Light you are meant be. You are the Light! Be the Light!
Blessings on your journeys my brothers. Hugs and love. You are loved. I love you.