Hello world. The following was written 01/15/2020.
My Son shared a thought that was tumbling through his mind. It gave him pause as he looked at it and a chuckle at how strange the thought was. I was guided to respond to him with deeper understandings and examples of that which his questioning was pointing to.
My Son shares, “What would be worse?
Knowing someone their whole life and they forget everything?
Or them informing you everything that you know of them is a lie??? Odd thought of the day”
My response, “The perspective goes even deeper than the surface you are treading upon. Like an onion there are layers to it. For each of us are an ice berg. Floating along believing what is on the surface defines us. What we fail to understand is that who we are is below the surface of the water in which we tread. Dive deeply down into that water to find the Truth of how very magnificent you really are.
They are the same in a manner of speaking. What you think you believe of the person next to you will be based off of the judgments held within your own mind. What you perceive of them is what you judge them as being for you. It does not mean that what you think you believe is True though. What is held within the mind is an illusion. Like an over head projector you overlay those judgmental beliefs over that Being created an image that only you are able to see.
In reverse what they believe themselves to be will also be based off of the judgmental perspectives they have been taught to perceive themselves through. In a similar way as with that over head projector they are superimposing another’s chosen judgments on themselves. What they are believing in are lies that have been handed to them. Those judgments do not define them in any way. They never have. They only believe they do.
As we walk our perspective journeys it eventually comes to us to question all we have been taught to think and believe in as being true and that which defines us and the world we perceive. It is this questioning that has us recognizing how we blindly accepted, followed and believed every single judgment and fable handed to us as children. We figure out that those who were teaching us these things were repeating the patterns that had been taught to them without stopping to question if what they had been taught was the Truth or not.
It is this questioning that opens a door within ones mind to see what they do so change their mind. They let go that which was taught to them. In letting it all go how they perceive changes. How they think changes. What they see does not change. How they see it is what changes. In letting go their judgments and the preconceived notions taught to them they are now free to see themselves and all around them without those filters or images over laying that projector screen that IS their reality.
A direct example to correlate this to would be how you perceive your Dad and I. As a child you have held a perspective of purview of who we are in correlation to you. That we are better or different in some way than you. The Truth is that we are all the same. We are EQUALS in every way. Just as those who came before us we chose in the beginning to blindly follow and believe what had been taught to us. In this respect we also found ourselves teaching those same beliefs to you unconsciously. It is now as adults that we have stopped and began questioning what we have done and why we chose to at the time.
It is as I myself am learning these Truth’s that I now share them with you to correct that which I had taught you without knowing what it was I was doing. As I heal myself I share so you may heal as I have. You are more than I initially taught you that you are and are to be. I was wrong in what I believed. For I had believed blindly that which had been taught to me.
It is a cycle that repeats itself with each new generation that comes into being here. Each is indoctrinated to blindly follow, accept and believe what is being taught to them without question. Many like me were beaten into submission and forced to conform and comply with what was being dictated to them. Many are to afraid to question even now that they are adults and no longer are required to believe as they had been indoctrinated to. They do not understand they are allowed to change their minds.
Blessings on your journey my Son in questioning that which you believe so think you perceive before you. I love you.”
As I learn the Truth I share it with you. I share the understandings give me of the lessons buried within the experiences had on the journey. I share how everything has been of benefit in helping me to learn of myself and the choices I am making to be so believe. I share with honesty, bluntly and authenticity the Truths learned holding nothing back as Holy Spirit has asked of me. I stand in my Light of Truth, shining Holy Spirit’s Light before you so you may see your way through the darkness. I am choosing to be The Light. A Beacon in the Darkness of the nightmare you find yourself trapped in.
Blessings on your journeys my brothers. Hugs and love. You are loved. I love you.