Hello world. The following was written 8/22/2021.

Humanity, history is repeating itself. All the greatest tragedies in our history started with those in assumed authority using the masses own minds and emotions against them. They use manipulation and coercion under duress to gain the populations willing agreement and compliance to what they dictate. Using labels with ever changing definitions to skew what is being perceived so believed.

History has shown us how these powers target the youth and through them, destroy the very society they are borne into. Stalin, Mao, Hitler and so many others have done this. Corrupted their society from within in. Rotting the hearts and minds of the youth who are the very foundation of a Nation, for they are the ones who carry on the manifestation of Humanity. They are the seeds we plant for our future existence.

Throughout 2016–2021 we have been under a psychological operation. All of the corrupt governments in history have used this with slight variations based on the technologies of their times. During the Trump administrations time the psyop in play was Q. They mixed the Truth with lies geared to create a complacency within the population to wait to be saved by some external source such as Trump and his administration, the military or some secret group who would save the world such as the white hats. All of it played on Humanities minds and emotions and had them sitting back complacently waiting for someone else to save them.

Well history is repeating itself again. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, Shame On Me. The timing of these rallies with current events and the mixed messages being given at them are starting to really stand out. We are seeing the lies in real time for what they are.

We are told to contact our elected officials and tell them what we want and do not want. We are told to contact them knowing they are not there, do not listen and will never respond or do what we are wanting and asking for. These representatives no longer represent We The People. They represent themselves and their own special interests and groups of financial supporters.

We are told to, take the jab its good. It won’t hurt you. It is safe and effective. It works to keep you safe. It will protect you from dying from CV. Yet, in the same breath we are told it does not stop you from getting infected and it does not stop you from infecting others. Told we do not know what the side effects are or what the reactions to it will be. It has not been tested for long term effects and if there are some issues which cause long term health issues or death you are not able to sue for damages. The companies making these drugs are immune from responsibility for what their products may do to you.

As they tell us this, we see with our own eyes the reports coming out of those experiencing reactions to these jabs and how those getting the jabs are dropping like flies within minutes, hours, days and weeks of being inoculated from a virus with a 99.7% survival rate. A virus which has replaced the flu, HIV, Hepatitis, obesity, drug over dose, heart attacks, drowning, car accidents and war as the top killers in the world.

Consider current events and how it is the masses are constantly being distracted with one catastrophic event after another, hyped up in a 24 hour news feed of death, destruction and fearful imagery of all which is occurring in different places around the world. You are shown all which is happening over there, yet not what is happening in your own front yard. They keep you in fear looking over there so you do not see what they are doing right in front of you.

Do you see, how they have divided up your attentions so you no longer know what is or is not going on? Can you see, the lies mixed with the Truth? Can you see, how they keep telling you exactly what it is they are wanting to do to you? Can you see, how they are stripping you of your Humanity? Do you see, how they are stripping you of your Sovereignty of Being to be Self Governing so Self reliant using your own Free Will against you? Can you see, how they have manipulated you into willingly poisoning yourself and destroying your own country? Can you see, how they have turned your family and neighbors into your enemy? Can you see, how they are using your own children against you and your country? Do you see, how they are breaking down the very fabric of what makes us Human Beings with their desire to become one with technology?

Are you witnessing, the playing out of those science fiction shows and movies depicting the reality for Humanity which is coming, such as 1984 and Star Trek in regards the Borg? Do you remember, how they never said where the Borg came from? How were they created? How they seemed to appear out of nowhere wanting to assimilate or consume everything in their path, with no regard for what a Species would choose for itself to be autonomous? Are you seeing, where they are trying to take you in transhumanism? Can you see, what it is they are trying to do? Can you see, how everything they tell you is the opposite of what you are seeing and experiencing? Can you see, how they are erasing and destroying the information being shared? Can you see, how they are colluding with those destroying our cities? Can you see the similarities to the book 1984?

Anyone who refuses to mask up, get jabbed, is white, Asian, Hispanic or Black, is to be persecuted and attacked verbally and physically. Anyone who is not in full agreement with this administration is to be considered an enemy of the state. Social media platforms, businesses, schools, banks, private organizations and government agencies are censoring, canceling and closing down anyone questioning the narratives, thinking differently, seeing differently, choosing differently and speaking out about what they believe. We have seen all of this before in our history.

History is repeating itself Humanity. Are you ready to see, how they are dividing you by race, skin color and financial status? Are you ready to wake up to the Truth standing boldly before you? Are you ready to choose what is best for you? Are you ready to question everything you have been taught to believe in and have chosen to believe in? Are you ready to question these narratives handed to you?

Consider this, the reason nothing makes sense, is because you are superimposing over what is in front of you, everything you have been conditioned to believe is the Truth so real. Like an overhead projector each judgment, label and belief becomes its own film or veil, created to distort the images you are perceiving before you. Each one has been chosen by you as what you are believing in as defining yourself and your reality to be. All are chosen by you, even if you are not aware of having chosen it. Each one is a choice you have made, so must choose to look at and let go of. It is as you look upon them, you are given the opportunity to release them and choose differently. You have to be willing to do so though. You have to be willing to question everything you have been taught to believe in and have chosen to believe in.

I ask you again Humanity. Are you ready to wake up to the Truth standing boldly before you? Are you ready to choose what is best for you? Are you ready to question everything you have been taught to believe in and have chosen to believe in? Are you ready to question the narratives the media and your government are handing to you?

All of the players are on the board making their moves. Each one is playing on your mind and emotions in a bid to sway you to what they want you to think, say, do, believe so perceive. Each one acts like they are different from the others. Each one tells you what you want to hear. Each one knows exactly what to say to pull your heart strings and stir your righteousness to new heights. Each one knows exactly what they need to say to manipulate you into complacency. Each one is using a psyop on you, to get you to sit still and DO NOTHING while they strip your rights from you and your country too!

Humanity, history is repeating itself again using the same tactics they used the last time around and the time before that, and that, and that. Are you going to sit idlily bye once again, as they lie boldly to your face as they hand away your country while boldly telling you, you are now slaves with no rights other than what they would give you and you must now have papers to prove you are allowed to do as you do? Are you awake yet Humanity, to what is before you?

Blessings on your journeys my brothers. Hugs and love. You are loved. I love you.

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