Hello world. The following was written 8/18/2017.
Enough! Enough, already! Sit down and shut up! Lace your fingers together and place them over your mouths and listen. Listen to hear and not to answer. Everything which is happening or has happened is for your benefit. Everything which has been playing out has been created so you may understand who you are and what you want to be.
Everything you think you know and believe in to be true has been taught to you by someone else, just as it was taught to them and the ones who came before them. You are taught every judgment handed to you is the absolute Truth. You are taught those who say they have authority, have a right to judge you and punish you. You are taught they will know what is best for you. What you have been taught to do is to see yourself as a victim of the world you perceive. You were taught you are always wrong, bad, evil or need to conform to someone else’s beliefs of who or what you should be in any given moment. You were taught you need to get permission for anything you would choose to do or be.
My brothers, you have been taught from birth to hand away your Free Will to choose for yourselves what resonates as the Truth within your own hearts and minds. You have been taught to willingly hand away the ability to choose for yourself to someone else. To actively seek out someone else’s judgments and opinions then enact them on yourself willingly. To blindly follow and believe in whatever is being said and shown to you as being the Truth. To never question what it is you are perceiving.
My brothers, you have been taught to blindly follow, believe in and conform to someone else’s dictates of who you are and are supposed to be. To never question those who say they have authority over you. To believe you do not have any right to think, believe and be as you choose to be. From birth you are trained to do as you are told and to not ask questions. To condemn anyone who questions your authority, just as you were condemned for questioning someone else’s. Mental, emotional and physical pain and suffering were the tools of manipulation being used to control you. To get you to conform to the dictates of those around you. Your own mind and emotions have been used against you.
This hatred and vitriol being spewed is learned. All of it has been taught to you. This belief if someone looks, thinks, sounds, speaks, believes or feels (emotions) differently than you, must be stopped. Taught if there is something different about you and them, they are the one who must be annihilated. None of these things are true. There is no differences between you and the Being standing next to you. The only differences are in your mind and have been taught to you.
Consider this, if you were blind how would you see? If you were deaf how would you hear? You would take in the essence of the energies around you. You would take in this energy and understand what your inner Being is telling you. You would revert to instinct. To an instinctual knowing of what is. The knowing to step left is to step into an abyss. To step right is to step into flames for the heat is felt. Yet, if you listen to the guidance within you, you will find yourself to step forward only. Your steps falling sure and true on the path laid before you. With no doubts or fears to cloud your mind with the judgments being handed out like candy from those around you.
All of us have been taught to blindly follow and believe in the dictates being handed to us by those who say they have authority to do so. Society has taught us to never question those who say they have authority. My brothers, question everything! Ask why it is you believe what you do. Ask where those beliefs came from. Ask if they are true. Ask how what you experience is for your benefit. Ask what it is you are here to learn about yourself. Ask and you will receive. My brothers, you have to ask first. I am not talking about asking the people in the world around you either. I am talking about sitting down and having a one sided conversation in your mind with the Creator, Holy Spirit, and the Guides given you who are within you.
Recognize the questions you have been taught to ask are loaded judgmental questions. Drop the judgmental belief from the question and an opening within you will occur. An opening to see the Truth of those things you have been choosing to do, think, and believe in as defining you. How you are the one judging yourself and the world is just reflecting back to you all you are choosing to believe in as being true.
You project out before you all you have chosen to believe in as being the Truth. You are only able to see that which you have chosen to believe. You will base all judgments, choices and decisions off of those same learned beliefs which were taught to you. This is why you must be willing to look at the things you have experienced. Be willing to look at them and see the choices you made to believe in those moments. The choices made to believe in judgments and opinions as being the Truth and as defining who you are and are supposed to be.
To change the world you must be willing to change yourself from within. To change your mind about how you view yourself, the world and the Beings within it. If you want this pain and suffering to end, it has to start with you looking at your own choices to think and believe as you do. The world does not need to change for the world is perfect as it is. Just as God created it to be. You are perfect just as you are and just as God created you to be. Your beliefs are what has you thinking something has gone wrong and what is experienced is Hell. Each experience, is just an experience. How you are choosing to perceive it will come from the judgmental beliefs you hold forth as being the Truth, defining you and what you have chosen to believe in.
To change the world you must be willing to change your mind about yourself first. To change how you think and what you believe in. As you change your mind the world changes with you. You stop seeing that which you had judged as being what you judged it to be. You begin to see and understand how you view yourself, is how you view the world. For the world is but a reflection of you and how you are choosing to be so believe.
If you want this vitriol to end, you must be willing to stop it within yourself. To stop judging yourself, the world and your brothers within it. To question yourself and the things you are thinking, believing, and reacting to. If you want this pain and suffering to end, it has to begin within you. You are the one holding the key to your freedom and the freedom of the world you perceive.
Everything you think and believe in to be true, has been taught to you by someone else, just as it was taught to them. They never asked if what they were being taught was the Truth. We repeat the patterns taught to us. We continue to repeat these patterns until we choose to break those ties holding those patterns in place. It is through the questioning of ourselves, our beliefs and what we think we perceive the undoing comes. In letting go those things we have been taught in lieu of the Truth we stop repeating those patterns taught to us. We begin instead to share what we have learned about ourselves.
In sharing our experiences and the lessons we have learned from them, we help Humanity heal as well. We share an understanding of how our perspectives have changed when we review the experiences we have had and begin to question them. We gain understanding of how those experiences were of benefit to us. Of how we would not be who we are with the understandings we have, if we had not experienced the things we had. Everything we experience is of benefit to us. Each experience has a lesson within it for us to learn. To help us change our minds about who we are and who we want to be.
The anger, hatred and vitriol being played out throughout the world is a call for love from Humanity. Humanity is crying out for healing from the things we have been brainwashed to believe in. The anger you hear is a call for love. They are afraid. They are in a dark place and have no understanding the Light they seek is within them. They, themselves, are covering their own Light with the judgments they believe in.
Each judgment you hold is a bar within the cage you have built within your own mind. The more you judge the tighter your cage becomes. Until you all but suffocate yourself with the stranglehold your judgments have placed on you. Each judgment has confined you to a cage within your own mind. Each one plays itself over and over in the back of your mind casting one recrimination after another on you. It eats at you from within, yet you project it out before you. You point fingers and place blame, believing something is being done to you. You do it all to yourself. You do it all within your mind, with the choices you have made to believe.
Stop pointing fingers and placing blame for what it is you have chosen to do to yourselves. You do not have authority over anyone but you. No one has authority over you either. It is part of the illusion you have been taught to think and believe in. These judgments handed to you are an illusion. They have no meaning until you choose to accept them for yourself and enact them on yourself. In everything, you are the one making the choices you do to think and believe as you so choose. No one is making these choices for you. No one is doing anything to you. You are doing it all to yourself when you judge.
Stop handing away your right to choose for yourself what resonates as Truth in your heart. Stop judging the choices others are making to believe as they choose. Whatever choices you choose, you will be the one to have to review it and heal from it. No one else can do this for you, and you cannot do this for anyone else either. Each Being must be willing to see their choices for what they are and to change their minds about them.
Accept, you and your brothers are the same within and without. Your choices to believe and perceive are the only things separating you. Allow your brothers to be as they choose without judging them their choices to believe. How they choose to perceive and how you choose to perceive are unique to each of you. Although experiences may be similar they are always perceived differently by the ones experiencing them. Those perceptions come from the beliefs they hold forth as being true.
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Listen to hear and understand. Listen to learn so patterns do not get repeated. The only competition you face here is within yourself. Of learning who you really are and are meant to be. If you want to change the world you have to change yourself and your mind about everything you think you know and believe. Because the Truth is, up to this point, you have been blindly following and believing whatever is being placed before you is the absolute Truth and it does and will define who you are and are supposed to be.
The Truth is, you have always held the keys to your own freedom and salvation in your own hands. You have always had a choice to step back from the abyss the lemmings are leaping into. You are a Sovereign Being. No one controls you, but you. Every choice and decision made has been and is up to you the Individual. It is and has always been up to you. You have to choose for yourself what resonates for you no matter what it is the person next to you decides to choose.
Stand in your Light of Truth. Look at your own choices to think and believe and change your own mind about this world you perceive. For as you change your mind the world will change with you and so to will your brothers. As you stop judging yourself you stop judging them and the world. You learn to live within the love you are and have always been and are meant to be.
Please be the Light, I see you to be. Please be the Light, I know you to be. Please be the Light, you are meant to be. Please choose, to be the Light.
Blessings on your journeys my brothers. Hugs and love. You are loved. I love you.