Hello world. The following was written 11/27/2020.
I found myself in a dialogue with two brothers today that had me sharing some deeper perspectives of understanding that brought forth clarity for my brothers in what they are choosing for themselves.
Brother One states, “Everyone needs to accept they are not always right.”
My response, “Then again there are people like me who seem to hold a knowing within us of what others intentions or lack thereof are in the moment or we are given an inkling of something coming or has occurred. In my nearly 50 years I have found myself to be incorrect maybe a handful of times and those times it was regarding something innocuously inconsequential and frivolous such as a books title or a movie title. As I said innocuously inconsequential and literally frivolous situations where my knowing or not held no consequences, unlike those things I was given a knowing of that helped to keep me from being molested, raped, beaten, exorcised or caned into submission. There are assumptions and then there is True Knowing. Problem is many do not know the difference between them so cannot discern fact from fiction.”
Brother One responds, “Sabrina Reyenga Bullshit you aint always right. Also, you got way too didn’t even read the whole thing you lost me a mile ago.”
My response, “You are allowed to believe as you so choose to brother. That is your choice. I AM that I AM. As I stated, there has only been a handful of times I have been wrong in my life and those instances were inconsequential. I did not state I have never been wrong. Try actually reading the full comment, dropping your preconceived notions and judgments of what you believe all to be here so you may ACTUALLY HEAR what was being shared with you.”
Brother Two responds, “Sabrina Reyenga I completely understand what your saying and I use to feel this way like I had this knowing beyond most people it’s just an ego trip in my experience… I would suggest merely watching it more deeply I do feel you and don’t question your knowing but sometimes it’s best to be the fool and allow the connection of communication be equal and compassionate and understanding and a wind of merely letting go…”
My response, “I AM a Psychic Intuitive (Empath) and Clear Open Trans Channel. All I AM able to do my brothers are able to do IF THEY CHOOSE. My brothers would have to accept themselves fully as they are without judgments if they are to open the abilities they came into this manifestation of creation with. We are all EQUALS so the same. All differences perceived were taught so learned and can be UNLEARNED through choice.”
Brother One responds, “Sabrina Reyenga I wasn’t you have valid points. But the problem now is people think its their way or the highway legit. Like no you have to look at different views. You are basically saying you have good intuition.”
My response, “Brother it DOES NOT MATTER what anyone else is choosing to believe in. All that matters is what YOU ARE CHOOSING for you to believe in. What you believe in IS what you shall experience so perceive as being real for you. You manifest that which you focus on mentally and emotionally. What YOU CHOOSE to believe in here IS what is and shall effect you and all you do or choose. The destination is not what matters here. All PATHS lead to the same destination. What matters here is the journey and the LIVING of what you are CHOOSING TO BELIEVE. I will say this again…
What matters here is the journey and the LIVING of what you are CHOOSING TO BELIEVE!”
Brother Two responds, “Sabrina Reyenga Dropping authority can do wonders also…”
Brother One responds, “Exactly bust dat ass”
My response, “Something to consider, there are no authorities and you were never required to believe as you are choosing to, you only THINK you are required to. You are allowed to question that which you were taught to believe in and change your mind so choose something different for yourself. As a child you were trained to blindly follow, accept so believe in whatever the adult before you dictated to you. You were trained to do this blind accepting without question with threats of punishments in the forms of labeling, pain, suffering and even violence to gain your willing compliance and acceptance of what was being dictated to you. All of Humanity is trained in this same way to blindly follow the dictates that are the foundations of the society they are born into. Trained from birth to bow down to an authority out of fear of persecution…”
Brother One responds, “Bro you just got out Guru’d”
Brother Two responds, “and here we are it’s best to let go in these moments the momentum won’t allow the need to react and state our own authorities…when if we stopped and allowed the words here to melt us and stop us in our tracks we would burn who we are not…”
Brother One responds, “I’m not dictated by anything. I don’t try and be someone I’m not.”
My response, “Something Holy Spirit and my Guides asked me to do in the beginning was to write down everything I believe in as defining who I am and am to be here. What I found myself writing down were labels and their myriad definitions that laid out who it was I was supposed to be based on someone else dictates of what that label means. May I suggest you consider writing yourself a list so you can SEE before you that which you ARE choosing here to see how it is you are and have been manipulated in how you perceive all to be including yourself?
My brother you are not that meat coated skeletal wagon you call your body. Your form is a tool, a vehicle that transports you from one experience into the next seamlessly and is used to gauge what each of those experiences shall be for you. You ARE an Eternal Being.
You ARE the SOUL within that shell. You are the very Light of ALL THAT IS encapsulated within the shell. You are the very SPARK that gives that form the life it has. The form is no more than a costume you don like an actor on a stage who pretends to be who they are not. You are Eternal. Your form may change, yet who you are within it shall always remain the same.
It took me dying and being resuscitated over 100 times on my journey to finally learn this lesson and Truth. Each time I died I visited the other lives I am living in other forms Human and otherwise simultaneously before returning to this life and this form to continue my journey. Nothing is as it may seem here brother.
My brothers, another aspect to consider here is that whatever is being handed to you by another in labels, opinions, judgments and recriminations will hold no merit or meaning for you UNTIL you make an active choice and decision to accept so believe in it for yourself. It is a CHOICE you have to make to believe in it for it to have any effect on you mentally, emotionally and physically. In the moment you choose to believe in what is said to you, you create within yourself all the pain, suffering and turmoil you experience from that moment on.
Your choice to believe IS what effects you. You make these choices and you are the ONLY ONE who can change your mind so let go those beliefs for something different that shall FREE you from those invisible shackles you donned unknowingly in beliefs. Each judgmental belief creates a bar to a cage you build for yourself to limit you in all you perceive, think so do. You are your own Prison Warden persecuting yourself in each moment so stopping yourself from changing your own mind out of fear of being persecuted for choosing differently.
I AM a Master Teacher my brothers. I teach the student to turn within themselves to the Guides within them for the answers they would seek here on the journey. I teach them to stop seeking out there in the abyss of the world in their brothers and books. I teach them that the answers they seek are within and always have been. That all is based on the choices they are choosing to make for themselves to believe in.
I AM here to help Humanity Heal so take back their Sovereignty of Being to be Self Governing so Self Reliant as they were created to be in the Image of God exactly as God is and not Gods shadow, afterthought or reflection. We are as God created us to be with all the abilities God has. We are EQUALS so the SAME. For God is in us as we are IN God so are One and the Same.
Something to consider, All who come here are seeking to become Ascended Masters. Gaia or Earth is a finishing school for the Spiritual Journey of the Eternal Soul. To become true Masters we come here to become the Masters of our Journeys in Manifesting the reality we choose for ourselves. You chose to be here. It is part of the last stages of the journey of the Eternal Soul in learning the manifestation of all of their creation within so without.
My brothers, you chose to be here at this time and in this place. There are no mistakes. All is as it needs to be for your Spiritual Growth. Nothing is going wrong for all IS for your benefit whether you know it or not in the moment it is occurring. It may be in hind sight that you are given the understanding as to why you experienced all you did and what purpose it had and the lessons you were to learn from it. Understand, if it is not meant for you to experience YOU WILL not experience it on your journey. If it is meant for you then you DO EXPERIENCE it. Each experience has a lesson you are to learn buried within it. All shall repeat itself again and again until you choose to stop, look at and question that which you are choosing to do so change your mind thereby changing the way you approach and deal with it. As you shift your purview your reality shall shift so change with you. What do you choose? This is the question to ask of Thyself.”
Blessings on your journeys my brothers. Hugs and love. You are loved. I love you.
Please be the Light, I see you to be. Please be the Light, I know you to be. Please be the Light, you are meant to be. Please choose, to be the Light.