Hello world. The following was written 12/04/2016.
Brother how can another teach you and tell you about your own journey and the things you have personally experienced? How can another be more perfect than you are? Let go this belief that anyone can be or is above you in any way. No one is better than you or worse than you. Everyone is equal to you! EVERYONE!
Each Beings journey is specifically created just for them. No two are exactly alike. They may be similar in many ways. But they are never the same. Every time you choose to blindly follow another you are giving away your Free Will. You are choosing to follow and believe in the dictates of someone else, all without conscious thought. That is and has always been the illusion. To believe that someone, anyone, could know more than you. In choosing to follow them you are placing them on a pedestal. Believe me when I say they will fall and fall very hard and fast eventually. We all do.
What I am saying is that no one has any reason to ever think or believe they need to seek for the blessings of another. They never need to blindly follow another as if that Being is a guru. That all answers are within them. The more they seek out there in the world the more lost they will become. No one has what you seek. All that you seek is and has always been within you. It sits there waiting for you to turn your gaze within and seek it there where it has always resided.
To share Truth, one must be willing to be the example. To stand in your Light of Truth no matter what another chooses to believe. When one is being an example they are Testifying to what they believe in. In that moment our brothers Witness what we do and are able to see our Truth for themselves. In that moment they get to choose for themselves what it is they are wanting to believe.
Blessings on your journeys my brothers. Hugs and love. You are loved. I love you.