Hello world. The following was written 01/16/2020.
A brother asks, “If there Is a separation of church and state
Why do all The politicians and even Chief Justice Roberts swear an oath with left hand on a Bible ?”
My response, “Tradition has had one raising their right hand and placing their left hand on the Bible for Centuries. When one is in a court of law they are asked to raise their right hand and swear to tell the Truth, the whole Truth and nothing but the Truth so Help you God over the bible with their Left hand placed on it. As I stated it is a Tradition in which it is looked at or considered to be an Oath being made between them and God to do what is right no matter what and whoever is there is standing as witness to the Oath being taken.
Something to consider is that it is not always a bible they are taking their Oaths over. Such as Clinton took her oath over the satanic bible. Another politician took their oath of office over a Dr. Seuss book that she read to her children every night.
By the way, all separation is within the mind. Even the illusion of separation of church and state. For everyone shall perceive so believe that which they have been taught to believe. If they are raised with religion in their purview, then religion will play a component in how they choose and that which they are choosing to do. Those without religion in their back ground tend to not hold of value those things that those with a back ground in religion do. Such as all life holding value and worth. That even in the womb those Beings deserve a chance at life. Were as those without such back grounds are fine with killing the unborn even up to and immediately after birth.
How one is raised and would choose to judge so be is in direct correlation to how they will choose to lead those around them. For they will lead as they believe. That in and of itself should give Humanity pause. That those who they have been choosing to lead them are not who they stated they were and are not doing as they said they would. What should also give one pause here is to see that those same politicians are fighting to stop those who are doing exactly what they said they would do from doing it. They block them every step of the way in any way they can. Even lying and fabricating evidence to frame others for what they themselves have been doing.
It makes one wonder what it is their brothers are doing when the Truth is glaring at them and they continue to ignore it for what it is they are wanting to believe in instead. I have a couple of brothers who are twins and attorneys still practicing law in their 70’s. Both of them have held extremely left leaning beliefs for a very long time. Of late their view points have been shifting the more we discuss the federal court documents being released through FOIA Requests by groups such Judicial Watch.
Needless to say those brothers have slowly been awakening to all the lies they have been blindly following, believing and defending all of their lives. Such as the racist bias of the legal system to give preference to anyone who is white OR RICH over anyone of any color or who is poor. That anytime anyone speaks out about it they are ostracized and demonized until they shut up and get back in line with the status quo. They also admitted that if one wants to make any money they HAVE to play that game and they themselves have done so to survive.
One of the things they pointed out was that it did not matter if a poor black guy is innocent. They will still be offered a plea deal and go to jail anyway just so the courts and the prisons make money. That the system has been skewed in this way for a very long time to prosecute the innocent while the guilty go free. Our legal system has been perverted from what it is supposed to be. What they are witnessing is similar to what has happened throughout history. I found myself responding to them with the following.
My response, “Recognize what is before you brother. Recognize how off balance the scales of Justice have become. Recognize how the guilty are being set free and the innocent persecuted in a complete upturning of what our Constitution and Judiciary System was meant to be. All men are created equal with equal rights under our laws to be innocent until proven guilty. They are not guilty until proven innocent as they do in other countries around the world.
This is not Stalin’s Russia, Hitler’s Germany nor Mao Zedong’s China where communism rules under a tyrannical system of totalitarianism to crush and subjugate its people and stripping their God given rights from them. This is the United States of America where you are innocent until proven guilty with the right to face down your accusers and question their own integrity.
The time of adhering to the status quo is at an end. Each of us must make a decision to stand up for what is right and just. To hold accountable those who would harm another for profit and gain knowingly. To make sure that all consequences are equal to that which they have done. Not more, not less, EQUAL in all ways. That no one is above nor below the laws of this land. That everyone be held accountable for their action and their lack of actions when they could have prevented another from being harmed.
Consider this deeply. Consider this and ask yourself what value your profession has if it does not give equal value to all who are brought before it. If this continuance to break the laws written for financial gain at the expense of another who is innocent continues, where shall that leave you when you stand before them accused of something you did not do. What shall you do when no one is willing to stand up and speak for you?
Consider this very deeply and think of what happened in Germany, Russia, China and now Venezuela when the government decided the people were guilty until proven innocent. How many were genocide for their beliefs that were not in alignment with those in power? How many stood silently by saying I am not with that race, religion, caste, culture or financial status?
What you are witnessing is history repeating itself again and no one is lifting a hand to try and stop it. They are blindly believing they have to accept that status quo out of fear of being judged and persecuted by their peers for thinking and believing differently. For standing up for what is Right and the Truth. Do you really want to continue standing idly by while those around you are murdered for looking different than you do?”
They were just starting out their careers at the time and found themselves faced with accepting that status quo or having no career. They chose to play the game. I continued my response with the following.
My response, “As well as this may be it does not release one from having to choose. As I stated what you are witnessing is history repeating itself and YOU have the ability and opportunity to stop it in its tracks and make it so that these kinds of things can never happen again to anyone for any reason. Which side of that invisible line do you want to find yourself on when the firing squads walk into the room? That becomes the question facing you and many others right now.”
When fear takes over Humanity tends to either fight or run. Some cower in a corner waiting for someone else to take responsibility for them believing they are no more than victims. Believing that to not make a choice dissolves them of any responsibility. Even that not making of a choice IS a choice in itself. It is one based in fear and a game one is playing with themselves to be a victim of the world they perceive. They chose to cower and let someone else be responsible and do something about it.”
All separation is within the mind. It is held in place by you the Individual as being what makes the Being next to you different from you. Each item you tick off as being different so separating you are judgmental labels that have been handed to you with definitions. Each one creates an imaginary wall between you and everyone around you. How are you separating yourself?
Blessings on your journeys my brothers. Hugs and love. You are loved. I love you.