Hello world. The following was written 7/04/2018.
A brother asked some questions today that my Guides had me respond to in regards adversity and whether or not it is something that is needed to be experienced on ones journey. The following is the dialogue that ensued between us.
A brother asks, “What is keeping us from being good to ourselves and each other?”
My response, “Hello brother. What keeps this separation and division going would be the judgments or judgmental beliefs being held by each Individual Being and the co-creative collective of Humanity as a whole. Each of you are required to take responsibility for yourselves and your own choices to think, believe and so perceive as you are choosing to. Each of you will be required to accept responsibility for projecting out your choices to believe on your brothers and then condemning them for not conforming to your choices because you want them to. Each of you will be required to review your life experiences and begin questioning what it is you were choosing to believe them to be for you. Each of you will be required to accept responsibility for the judgments you made or accepted about those experiences and how they have since affected you on all levels throughout your journey.
Humanity is being faced with a choice. They will either choose to look within and review their choices to be and believe or they will instead choose to complete the process of becoming slaves in all ways willingly. At this time Humanity is awakening to these things they have been taught or conditioned to do, say and be. Humanity is also starting to recognize how they are responsible for what has been happening to them. No one else is to blame for their choices to blindly follow and believe all that is said to them. Even this belief that someone always has authority over them. That is an illusion that was created to enslave you using your own mind and emotions as the tools being used against you. They have you acting as your own prison guard. Each law created and judgment handed you that you choose to accept and believe in creates a shackle that will bind you and enslave you.”
My brother asks, “Why has mankind been lied to for so long? This is an over simplification of the human experience. Mankind has been lied to from the beginning. All WORDS are word spells!!”
My response, “As simple as the answer may seem it all boils down to power, control, greed, envy, lust and avarice.”
My brother asks, “Who started this? The nature of man is to love and be loved yet they are programmed to something that is not of their true nature. Not everyone has bought into power, control, greed, envy, lust and avarice. The fear of survival has corrupted the human genome.”
My response, “It started in the temples and shifted to the leaders or governments. Humanity accepted and CHOSE to place a single Being above themselves. They did this unknowingly. In giving power and control to a single Individual to decide for the whole they unwittingly handed away their Sovereignty to another. They placed these Beings on pedestals. It created an illusion within their own minds of a hierarchy that divided the people into higher and lower or less than and more than. They were teaching themselves inequality. Fast forward to today and you see the same scenarios repeating themselves again and again. It is a rinse repeat cycle that continues until one chooses to step out of that matrix they found themselves trapped in at first. Once they can see it for what it is they are able to step out of it.
There is a saying, “Unlimited power corrupts those who find themselves handed it. Their egoistic nature begins to be fed a continuous diet of adulation that rots them from within.””
My brother responds, “Not everyone is corrupted by authority. The corruption of the ego/personality runs very deep. Who set up the “Oligarchy System” and then the registration of the ‘Citizen”? We are born into a corrupted society. Most do not have criminal minds and believe that those in positions of authority have their best interest at heart. So many are born forgetting. We cannot evolve consciousnesses when there is perpetual violence!”
My response, “What that saying is telling you is that it is a CHOICE being made by each Individual Being to feed their ego and act upon what it would choose to believe. It matters not if they are the leader or the follower. Each is making a choice to be and believe. Each will be responsible for THEIR OWN choices.
All change start with the Individual. Each Individual Being is required to choose what it is they will be, think, say and do. What another is choosing for themselves is not your problem but theirs. You do not get a say in anyone else’s choices. You only get a say in your own.
It is no more than a belief being held by you that one cannot grow in the face of adversity. It is ONLY through ADVERSITY that one IS ABLE to GROW SPIRITUALLY. This is the reality of duality. This reality requires one to experience the extremes of opposites in order for one to be able to discern and decide which reality they would choose for themselves.”
My brother responds, “We have not had free choice on earth for a very long time. We have been manipulated by the entities/spirits in the lower astral plane. We have unwittingly given over our will to illegitimate contracting which has stolen our will. It is the conditioned mind that is being fed. The ego was made in perfection without the ego/personality source would not have expression.
You are continuing the corruption a child does not need “adversity” to grow spiritually. I revoke, rebuke, transcend, and transmute your spell. Stupidity keeps consciousness at a stand still. Duality is a perceptual lie resulting from the state of consciousness.”
My response, “Again that is a belief you are holding too that IS NOT TRUE. My brother, I have been force fed and kicked across a room as a baby, molested and raped, beaten on, mentally and emotionally abused. I have been exorcised for the natural abilities given me of seeing the dead, hearing their pleas for help and speaking of what I was experiencing. Each and every experience I have ever had has been of benefit to me in learning who I am above and beyond who I was being conditioned to believe myself to be. Each experience had lessons within them I was to learn about myself. Each experience I judged to be what it was for me. My first judgment was made at 9 months old when I was force fed and kicked across that room into a brick fireplace. You see adversity is needed to learn who we are, otherwise we tend to blindly accept whatever is being handed to us without questioning.
My brother, it was that first experience of being force fed that embedded a gag reflex within me any time another was trying to force their will upon me or manipulate me in any way. My own judgments of the experience became the core beliefs I had once held about myself as being the basis of my value, worthiness and ability to be loved and accepted. Each were beliefs I chose to make as being what defined me and my existence.
It was not until I could review my experiences with detachment and without judgments that I could see them for what they were which is simply an experience and the choices I had made to judge and believe the things I had that I was able to see how each and every one has been of benefit to me. That I would not be who I am with the understandings that I do if I had never had the experiences that I did. Each one had a purpose and a value above and beyond what I had perceived them to be for me in the moments they were being experienced. It has only been when I review each one that I learn the lessons they had hidden within them for me to learn of myself.
Everything we experience is for our benefit. Even these things we have no understanding of in the moment. Each hold a key to the puzzle that reveals who we are and are meant to be. All we need do is but seek this Truth within us.”
Blessings on your journeys my brothers. Hugs and love. You are loved. I love you.