Hello world. The following was written 12/21/2016.
For four years now, Holy Spirit and my Guides have been telling me I AM and will be, Their Teacher of Teachers. In the beginning, I argued with Them. I couldn’t believe I could be anyone’s teacher, because I didn’t want to be anyone’s student ever again. They would repeat Their statement until I would explode in response with my doubts.
I would respond, “I do not want to be anyone’s teacher, let alone be anyone’s student! All blindly following another has ever gotten me, was intense pain and suffering. Not to mention, a multitude of diseases within me. It had me seeking death, as an escape from the torture of the pain and suffering I was experiencing.”
Their response, “You do not have a choice in this. You will be a Teacher of Teachers. Your purpose, is to teach following another is no longer needed in the same way. You will teach them to heal themselves, on all levels of their Being. You will start them on their way, to looking within and healing themselves mentally, emotionally, physically and Spiritually. You will teach them, to stand in their own Light of Truth and to teach their brothers, to do the same.”
I AM to be an example, to my brothers. By standing in my Light of Truth, I become a beacon of Light in their darkness. In sharing where I am and have been on my journey, I show a new perspective in which to view their realities. To see their own situations differently.
I fear becoming an enlightened ego, as many who have gone before me chose to do. They tell me, I do not have to fear this happening. In sharing where I have been authentically, it will keep me humble and free. For opening this door, allows all to witness I am no different then they are. I experience many of the things, they are. Sharing where I have been, shows everyone the choices I chose to make and how those choices, caused all the pain and suffering I have endured. In everything, I do it all to myself with my choices, to judge and believe.
I understand what it is, They mean and are saying in regards this sharing and how it humbles and frees you. There is no place for the ego, when the Light is shined down upon all you have experienced and judged, as defining you. All you experience and have judged yourself as being, becomes the box entrapping you, in your illusions. When you let them go, standing in the Light, your head no longer hangs with shame, fear, and guilt. Instead it is held high, as you show your brothers they were believing, as you were. They were believing in a lie, as being what is defining them and their journey.
I accept this role, They have placed me in. I am beginning to understand just how important it is, to break this cycle which has been repeated for an Eternity. As I free myself from these chains which have bound me, I will help my brothers to free themselves. Only when all of us have been freed, will the world we perceive change fully with us, to be what it is we have always dreamed it could be.
Blessings on your journeys my brothers. Hugs and love. You are loved. I love you.