Hello world. The following was written 8/22/2021.

Yesterday I published an article talking about the Milgram Experiment and the Asch Conformity Experiments. A brother responded to it with a very good point regarding the Milgram Experiment which brought me to another dialogue I was having with another brother regarding the energies being experienced right now. Everything is interconnected whether we know it or not.

My brother responds, “The Milligram experiment was against strangers. This experiment, is against “Trumpsters”… …enemies. It is worse because they believe by obeying authority and harming others, they are harming people they hate, so it is not just willingly, it is vindictively as well.”

My response, “Very good point! It also brings it full circle back to how it is Hitler was able to get the masses to turn on one group of people as being the enemy within, when in Truth it was always those in power and those following orders blindly who were the real enemy within.

Anyone who refuses to mask up, get jabbed, or is white, Asian, Hispanic or Black, is to be persecuted and attacked verbally and physically. Anyone who is not in full agreement with this administration is to be considered an enemy of the state. We have seen this before.

History is repeating itself again. This time Humanity must awaken to what is occurring if they are to stop it. They cannot wait for someone to come save them. Believing the next election will matter is foolish.

As they have shown, they plan on keeping things as they are. They are pushing a bill which will keep them all in their places and take over elections on a federal level removing the states rights, so therefore removing the rights of We The People.

Humanity must stand up and refuse to comply any longer with these tyrannical governments. They must in mass throw off these entities and hold them accountable for their crimes against Humanity. They must willingly choose to stand together and remove these corrupt people from the chairs they placed them in.

No more fake votes with electronic systems. Go back to WATERMARKED PAPER BALLOTS with IN PERSON VOTING. One VOTE per Legal Citizen with photo ID.”

Which brought me to a dialogue with another brother who was asking about the energies they were experiencing and if anyone else was having similar experiences. I responded to them and the following dialogue ensued where I shared what was said above going into more depth as to what is meant.

My brother asks, “Is anyone here feeling more emotional than usual and has trouble sleeping at night? Or is it just me? Because I’ve been feeling ‘weird’ for a couple of days and I don’t know why. Also my mind is more chatty than usual.”

My response, “It isn’t just you. My Husband and I have been experiencing some unusual energies lately. I am emotional when I wake up going from my usual loving, huggee, kissy and cuddle with me energy with my Husband and animal companions, to a snappy, grouchy, almost angrily snarling Human Being.

It has been occurring for a while now, almost a year I would say, maybe longer. I have been taking it as my energy fields are not fully in place when I wake up. Meaning my protective shields which act as a barrier between my brothers and I to keep their mental, emotional and physical pain and suffering separated from my own, so I know what is mine and what is theirs.

I AM a Psychic Intuitive Empath and Clear Open Trans Channel. I experience the pain and suffering of others within my own form as if it is my own, allowing me to understand what they are experiencing so be better able to help them in healing. I AM a Hands on Healer. I am the conduit the energy flows through to get to you the receiver. I do not guide the energy where to go. I allow it to flow through me, going wherever it needs to. Similar to what a Yogi would do. Instead of clearing the mind I focus on the Light.

As to the sleeplessness, I have been experiencing it for a couple of weeks. At first I thought it was because I am sick recovering from anaphylactic shock and pneumonia and it may have something to do with the medicines they put me on. July 23rd I went into Urgent Care in South Carolina. From then until now I have been experiencing not being able to sleep until around 6 AM when the sun is rising. I toss and turn with all my joints aching and my neck feeling stiff no matter how I am laying until I get my body to start cracking to release the energy. Shortly after this I pass out waking up between 12 noon and 2 PM. I no longer think it is the meds.

By the way, there is a distortion occurring right now. It is as if our reality is splitting into two realities and they are tearing away from each other or separating. There is the paradigm of 2008–2016 and the paradigm of what was 2016–2020, yet they are different manifesting. A 3D and 4D paradigm shift of realities. Those unable to awaken to the Truth before them, will go with the 3D world reality of Obama. Those awakening to the Truth, will shift to the 4D with something of the energy of the Trump energy, yet different. This one is based in Sovereignty with understanding ones responsibility for ones Self and the choices being made by them to be so believe.

The veils are lifting and the fog is thinning as the Truth dawns and reality sets in of what Humanity has been choosing blindly to accept so believe. It is never to late to stand up and choose differently. Unless you get the jab, that is. Then it is to late, for you have committed to becoming the Borg…/tongue in cheek!”

My brother responds, “I fail to see how Trump relates to anything related to truth energy but that’s just me”

My response, “May I bring into your awareness a clue as to what it is I am referring to regarding Truth. Consider what had been occurring from 2016–2020 regarding Trump and the narratives being pushed by the main stream media, politicians, corporations and other groups stating Trump was a Russian asset, wasn’t being spied on, was committing quid pro quo and so many other bullshit narratives which have all been PROVEN were lies. Trump was being spied on, he was NOT a Russian asset, he did NOT commit quid pro quo. It was Joe Biden, Obama and the Clinton’s committing quid pro quo.

What was shown is all aspects of our society, education systems, businesses, medical industry and government have been infiltrated and corrupted by foreign entities. What they could not do with force, they have done with stealth from within.

Back in the 50’s a number of psychologists were conducting experiments. Two are standing out right now.

The Asch Conformity Experiments were a series of psychological experiments conducted by Solomon Asch during the 1950’s. Asch found people were willing to ignore reality and give an incorrect answer in order to conform to the rest of a group.


The Milgram Experiment was a psychological experiment showing how Humanity will kill another if given a command or suggestion from someone they ASSUMME is an authority figure as they did with Hitler and the extermination of the Jewish People.

In the 50’s, the CIA started a program called MK Ultra. It was a program which held over 168 other programs within it, all dealing with psychological warfare tactics, manipulation, coercion and brainwashing. This is where we got Jeffery Dahmer from.

Nothing is as it may seem here. What you are witnessing is Nazi Germany all over again. It also brings it full circle back to how it is Hitler was able to get the masses to turn on one group of people as being the enemy within, when in Truth it was always those in power and those following orders blindly who were the real enemy within.

Anyone who refuses to mask up, get jabbed, or is white, Asian, Hispanic or Black, is to be persecuted and attacked verbally and physically. Anyone who is not in full agreement with this administration is to be considered an enemy of the state. We have seen this before.

History is repeating itself again. This time Humanity must awaken to what is occurring if they are to stop it. They cannot wait for someone to come save them. Believing the next election will matter is foolish. As they have shown, they plan on keeping things as they are.

They are pushing a bill which will keep them all in their places and take over elections on a federal level removing the states rights, so therefore removing the rights of We The People. Humanity must stand up and refuse to comply any longer with these tyrannical governments. They must in mass throw off these entities and hold them accountable for their crimes against Humanity. They must willingly choose to stand together and remove these corrupt people from the chairs they placed them in. No more fake votes with electronic systems. Go back to WATERMARKED PAPER BALLOTS with IN PERSON VOTING. One VOTE per Legal Citizen with photo ID.

Everything is interconnected one unto the other seamlessly. Humanity has been asleep at the wheel for a very long time. Like drunk drivers they have been swerving all over the place. Vomiting on everyone around them, these choices they have made to blindly accept so believe. They hold no understanding they are working from the programming they took in subliminally and unconsciously. They hold no understanding of how their minds have been conditioned to obedience and to obey an authority which does not exist anywhere, but within their own minds. They hold no understanding they are the ones who are willingly choosing to accept the dictates handed to them, so enact their own slavery on themselves willingly.

In the 70’s Congress became aware of the CIA’s MK Ultra program and supposedly shut it down. What the CIA did was take it underground and began infiltrating all aspects of society as we know it. Consider the main stream media platforms. Every one of them have people from the CIA working as reporters and commentators. They are hired on as consultants with corporations, education and medical industries. They have been slowly rotting our country from within starting with our Youth just as they did with Hitler and Mao.

Another aspect to consider here is the fact these social media platforms started censoring anything which did not match what the main stream media and the politicians were stating was fact and Truth. They silenced anyone who believed something different or would question what was being said. Just as they did with Hitler and Mao. They have literally brainwashed the masses to see those who think differently as the enemy so they must be destroyed.

We are witnessing a splitting of our reality into two separate worlds or paradigms. We are seeing the results of those who are awake and those who are woke. The woke, are the ones who are blindly accepting and following without question. Those who are awake, are and have been questioning what is placed before them. They see the Truth of what is occurring. They see the patterns being repeated again. They SEE the cliff the lemmings are jumping from into the abyss of their own demise. The lemmings see them as insane because they are running away from the cliff the lemmings would push them over if they were to stand there indecisive of what they would choose to do.”

Blessings on your journeys my brothers. Hugs and love. You are loved. I love you.

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