Hello world. The following was written 9/08/2021.

I asked Holy Spirit and my Guides what the purpose was of having me fall ill as I did with anaphylactic shock and pneumonia. I could see how it was of benefit on the surface, in the repairs we were able to do on our RV. Yet, I could feel there was another reason, something else I was to experience while recovering.

We came to South Carolina to visit a friend. Our friend invited us to visit the church they attend. We attended a service and were invited to an open mic event they have. We attended the event and it was very eye opening. Holy Spirit and my Guides have been explaining exactly what I was there to bare witness to and why.

What was witnessed were judgments and beliefs held. Judgments and beliefs one gets a say or choice in what another says, does and believes. A belief ones brothers must accept and believe as they do or be persecuted, demonized, ostracized and even killed for not doing so. A belief one is not allowed to stand up for themselves, protect themselves or own weapons which allow them to do so. A belief LIFE is not a precious gift being given to us all, even the unborn. They are not able to accept their brothers as they are and are not willing to allow them to be as they choose. Their judgments and labels of their brothers and their choices to be so believe had them in a Self Righteous fury filling their hearts with anger and hatred for their brothers.

On my journey I have been a Solitary Practitioner, following an inner guidance since I was 14. I go where Holy Spirit and my Guides guide me and partake of the materials they would have me partake of. I stopped listening to and doing what others dictated I should be, do, read and the following of others on their journeys. I started walking my own path as Holy Spirit and my Guides guided me to do.

In my teens I would day dream of being a part of some group. As I have grown older I have stopped wanting to be part of some group. Over the years I have recognized a pattern repeating itself in social media and real life, called group think. I have watched this pattern repeat itself again and again. It is why Holy Spirit and my Guides have used my Dyslexia to block me from taking in all my brothers are. It is why Holy Spirit and my Guides have had me walking a Solitary path with only Their guidance from within me.

When one joins a group or organization they find themselves aligning unconsciously with whatever it is the group is choosing. They let go of what they believe in, when it is in opposition to what the group thinks. They do this to be accepted and approved of by the group and its members. What they seek is to not be alone with themselves and their beliefs. They seek an escape from their pain and suffering in the communion with others of like mind.

Problem is, when you conform for acceptance you lose who you are in those moments. Your willing conformity strips you of your Free Will and Sovereignty of Being to be Self Governing so Self Reliant. You conform out of fear of judgment, persecution, isolation, ostracism and being labeled as different from those around you. Fear of being singled out as an example for others. Your own fears limit you in all you do, so choose.

As a child I conformed, complied and adhere to the dictates handed to me to get the abuses I experienced to stop for a little while. As that child I chose to comply for survival. As a teenager I chose to stand up for myself and stand in my Light of Truth refusing to accept, conform, comply or adhere to what those around me dictate I do, believe and be. In those moments I became responsible for me and my path on the journey. I walked away from religion, my family and societies beliefs. I chose to follow Holy Spirit and my Guides, and only Holy Spirit and my Guides.

I learned through pain and suffering how my mind was used against me, to manipulate so control me. I learned how it was my love was used against me, to keep me silent and compliant to my molesters and rapists. I learned how all of the things I was taught to believe were lies, an illusion taught to me to be perceived. I learned what I learned can be unlearned. So unlearn it all I did!

At 14 years old I chose who my Teachers would be. In choosing to follow Holy Spirit and my Guides, and only Holy Spirit and my Guides, I chose the path of the Solitary Practitioner just as Jesus did. I stopped looking out there in the abyss of the world and my brothers for the answers I sought of who I am and am meant to be. Of what I needed to learn which would set me free from the shackles and ties which had bound me. The only one who could show me the Truth of what I sought was Holy Spirit and my Guides.

Holy Spirit and my Guides have been guiding me on my journey for all of my life. Holy Spirit and my Guides have been sitting there within me connecting me to God. Showing me what God sees when God looks at me. Helping me to see all through Gods eyes and hear through Gods ears. In choosing to following only Holy Spirit and my Guides I have found who I AM and am meant to BE. I have found and crossed the bridge making the connection between God and I within myself within my own heart and mind. By following Holy Spirit and my Guides I traversed the labyrinth within my mind back to the center of my Being to who I AM. A labyrinth which was hidden within me.

Blessings on your journeys my brothers. Hugs and love. You are loved. I love you.

Previous post Have you asked yourself if what you believe in is actually True?
Next post Can you see, why it is important to look at your beliefs to see where they come from and why you believed them?