Hello world. The following was written 7/09/2017.

Something to consider, each of us are walking a journey home. Each of us are walking this path “alone” in a manner of speaking. For each of us experience our journey through our own personal lens of understanding. None of our brothers are walking the exact same path as we do. Not even our families, children, and spouses will walk our same path. This is why we perceive ourselves to be alone on our journeys. Because our brothers are not able to see and experience things exactly as we are. We choose to think and believe we are alone here. What is often forgotten is that we are never alone for God, Holy Spirit, Jesus, our Guides and even our brothers are with us, within us as part of us always. They always have been there and will always be there within us and part of us.

One of the things we are taught from birth is that we are alone and separate from everyone around us. We are taught to separate ourselves from our thoughts, emotions, and physical responses. We are taught to point fingers and place blame outside of us. To believe we are victims and alone in the nightmare we experience. We are taught to judge and accept judgments as Truth. To believe in lies so as to maintain a status quo and gain the acceptance and approval of those around us. We are taught that it is only by complying with the dictates of others that we will be accepted or approved of and no longer ostracized and kept “alone”. All of us are taught to blindly accept, follow and believe in whatever is being said to us as being the absolute Truth. All of us are taught to NEVER question those who say they have authority over us. All of us are taught to hand away our free will to choose what resonates for us to someone else. To believe they have a right and are able to choose for us. All of us are taught this way of thinking and believing. That to conform is to be accepted, to become one with the masses and do as they do.

In conforming to the dictates of those around us we die a little inside each time we do. We find ourselves trapped in a box of our own making. Each time we conform it eats at us from within. It grates on us mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. Chipping away at us from within slowly and painfully. Each time we enact that “accepted belief” we enact the judgments held within it. We could feel the judgments being handed to us and handed out by us.

Yet, we wanted that acceptance and approval so desperately that even this slow painful dying is preferable to what could be waiting for us if we were to choose differently. Our fear of thinking different, being different, looking different is what keeps us gripping that shell so tightly in our refusal to look beyond it at what it is we are doing to ourselves. Our acceptance of what is handed to us and our willingness to not look at what we are choosing is what is keeping us trapped in the hell we are in. We continue to believe we can hand responsibility for our choices to someone else and make them the one responsible. This simply is not true and impossible to do. It is a lie we are taught to believe.

It is only on the “Individual” level that anything is or can be accomplished. One must be willing to become one WITHIN themselves first before they may be able to join and join fully with those around them. It is only when we reach True oneness within us that we may extend this outward to All That Is. It all starts at home and it all starts with you the Individual Being who is having this experience of being what is.

Blessings on your journey brother. Hugs and love. You are loved. I love you.

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