Hello world. The following was written 7/08/2018.
I have been having movie titles and scenes from myriad movies that have been created over the decades depicting where Humanity would be leading to if things were not seen for what they were and stopped, playing through my head. How these movies would depict a scenario occurring that becomes a catalyst to global unity. How in each one all of Humanity is facing the same “entity” with the same agendas of tyranny, oppression, persecution, enslavement and annihilation. One in particular that is standing out to me would be the President’s speech from the movie Independence Day.
President Thomas Whitmore’s Speech from the movie “Independence Day”
“Good morning. In less than an hour, aircraft from here will join others from around the world. And you will be launching the largest aerial battle in the history of mankind. “Mankind.” That word should have new meaning for all of us today. We can’t be consumed by our petty differences anymore. We will be united in our common interests. Perhaps it’s fate that today is the Fourth of July, and you will once again be fighting for our freedom… Not from tyranny, oppression, or persecution… but from annihilation. We are fighting for our right to live. To exist. And should we win the day, the Fourth of July will no longer be known as an American holiday, but as the day the world declared in one voice: We will not go quietly into the night! We will not vanish without a fight! We’re going to live on! We’re going to survive! Today we celebrate our Independence Day!”
Humanity may not realize it yet, but they ARE all fighting a common enemy right now that is hell bent on stripping them of their Sovereignty and enslaving each and every one of them willingly or not. Whether or not you recognize it you are all fighting the same group of people who have formed an “Entity” that moves as one with one purpose and one mind. They do not care who they have to remove from existence to get what the want and desire.
Humanity, many of you have formed groups and coalitions seeking disclosure about a myriad number of topics of concern to all of Humanity. There are groups seeking disclosure for the Truth about organic food, clean water, clean air, holistic medicine, hidden technology, Extraterrestrial contact, politics, governments and the numerous listed and unlisted alphabet agencies being used to silence the masses.
In every country around the world the people are waking up and asking questions. They are joining those groups that move them and speak to what is inside of them. Each of you hold a belief your cause is just and the one that matters because it is the one you feel closest to. It is what you are called to give a voice to.
Humanity, each of you are seeking your form of disclosure from the same “Entity”. You are all seeking answers from a Deep State government agency that has gone underground and is working from the shadows. They try to pick each one of you off one by one. Because there is no Unity amongst you they play you all against each other.
Humanity, if you would overcome that which is trying to enslave you or kill you, you must Unite together. Lay aside your differences and recognize them for the lies they are that have been used to divide you all. Each of you will need to willingly extend an olive branch to all those you have had differences with. Each of you will need to willing exchange the information you hold with each other. Each of you will need to willingly lock arms with those around you and stand together in UNITY as ONE Group, ONE Entity, ONE SPECIES called the HUMAN RACE.
Humanity you are all equals and there are no differences between you other than what you have been conditioned to believe. There is no authority figure over you. It is an illusion you are holding in your own minds that was taught to you. You have been conditioned to perceive that someone is an authority over you. You have been conditioned to believe you have no rights and are a victim. You have been conditioned to believe you are weak and a coward who must cower in fear on their knees begging take them and not me, mercy, mercy, MERCY!
Humanity you have been conditioned to believe you are slaves to a machine called government that runs on laws created to manipulate you and enslave you one prohibition and limitation at a time until you can no longer perceive what Freedom Truly is. They tell you these are your rights and freedoms, then give you instead a mockery of what True Freedom is. They hand you the shell with nothing in it. They have tried to change the meaning of what TRUE FREEDOM is just as they have changed the definitions of many of the words we hear today.
Slowly the words we use have been being given new meanings. Over time the words being used are being switched out with their complete opposites. Look at the main stream media and our politicians stating we are a “democracy” when in Truth we ARE a REPUBLIC. They tell our children wrong is right, bad is good and that boys should be girls and girls should be boys. Everything they are pushing is an undermining of ones Sovereignty of Being. They lie and manipulate what is perceived with labels created to control what you believe yourself to be and what your function is to be according to those labels definitions.
Humanity you have been indoctrinated and your children are being indoctrinated to continue feeding this machine of government control over you. It is a choice each of you have made to believe that you are required to follow these laws and bow down to or kneel as the case may be to these Beings who are stating they have the authority. They are your equals in every way. It is you who have placed them on these pedestals as if they are better than or above you in some way. It is you handing them your power and right to decide what resonates for you as Truth. It is you allowing them to pick you off one by one. It is you allowing your pride to lead you here in a belief your cause is more just than theirs. It is you blocking you from accomplishing what it is you are trying to do.
Set aside your differences and see each other as equals. See how you each are seeking the same things here. See how you are all the same. Join together with one purpose and one mind to take back your Sovereignty to be Self Governing so Self Reliant. Join together and as one group Unified under the power of your belief in yourselves to be Sovereign Beings who are Self Governing so Self Reliant. Humanity stop fighting each other and start living like the family you are. Start seeing yourselves as equals and brothers UNITED in the same cause.
The Disclosure of the Truth and the Acknowledgment that we are all Sovereign Beings who are Self Governing so Self Reliant with Free Will to choose what resonates for us as our Truth. No one gets to make these choices for us. Humanity learn to Stand in Unity together and you will defeat these Beings trying to enslave you and finally you will get the Truth that you seek.
Blessings on your journeys my brothers. Hugs and love. You are loved. I love you.