Hello world. The following is from 12/18/2019.

Open your eyes and recognize, what is right in front of you. Humanity, is awakening to the Truth of the lies they have been fed, for decades. Lies which have been stripping from them, their God given rights to be Sovereign Beings, who are Self Governing, so Self Reliant. There are no victims. Every judgment you hold forth as being true, reflects on you and that which you believe yourself as being.

You are responsible for your choices, to blindly follow, accept, believe, conform and comply with, that which is and has been taught to you. You, like the rest of Humanity, have been trained to do this, from the moment of your birth. You are taught, you are required to accept, conform, comply and believe, what you read in a book or is stated to you, by an ASSUMED authority figure.

Neither you, nor anyone else, were required to accept, what was taught to you. You only THINK, you are required to. In this respect, it is a choice you are making. This makes of you a WILLING SLAVE, to someone else’s dictates. Think on this, long and deeply. How are you choosing, to enslave yourself? Why are you wanting to enslave your brothers, as you are choosing to?

Another aspect to consider is this, it does not matter what anyone else is choosing to think, say, do, believe or perceive. All that matters and will ever matter, is what you are choosing to think, say, do, believe and perceive in, as being real and true for you. What matters, is your own choices to believe so perceive, as you are choosing to.

Every thought and belief you are holding forth as being real and true, has been taught to you by someone else, as what they have chosen for themselves to think and believe in as being real and true for them. Just because they believe in it, does not make it true. In this respect, one must be willing to look within their own hearts and minds. To SEE what it is they are and have been choosing for themselves, to think and believe so perceive themselves, their brothers and their very reality as being.

You are responsible for you and every choice you have made, to judge so perceive your reality of existence from. The only one who can prove anything to you and change your mind, is YOU. In doing the inner work, of looking at what you are thinking and believing in, you are given the ability to change your mind. To see what is before you, from a different Light of Perspective.

No one can prove anything to you. No one can drag your ass, kicking and screaming into the Light of Truth of understanding. Everyone has to willingly to pick their asses up off the ground, walking into the Light of Understanding, of their own Free Will Choice, to do so. They have to choose, to look at what is experienced and change their own minds about it. No one can do this work for them, or tell them what they need do, other than pointing them to look inward, seeking Holy Spirit and their Guides responses, to the conflict experienced within them.

The start to any healing process is to look at what you are thinking, to see how you are responding emotionally, to understand how your body is reacting to those thoughts. Connect the Dots! Your thoughts are connected to your emotions, Your bodies physical responses come from, the emotions and thoughts which triggered them. Connect the Dots! Once you see the thought, ask where it came from. Who taught it to you? Patterns!

Patterns repeat with slight variations, to catch ones attention. The patterns of your thoughts, are learned and can be unlearned. Follow the thought back to the source who handed it to you, with the experience attached to it. Detach. Try seeing it from a third person perspective, this time. Look at it, without judging it. Ask Holy Spirit, what would He have you see, hear and understand. Ask, so you may received the answers. Ask, so you can heal.

Once you can see what was experienced, without judging it. You will be able to see how you, accepted a judgment about it or you judged it to be what it was yourself. It is the judgment held of the experiences had, which creates diseases within you. It is the judgments held, which create the pain and suffering you experience. Heal it, by looking at it and questioning what you believe it to be.

As you let go your judgments of the experiences had, healing occurs on all levels of your being. The journey of healing, of looking within at ones choices to believe, IS what shall lead them back to Sovereignty of Being, to be Self Governing, so Self Reliant.

It is a process, of baby steps. Of learning to turn within, instead of out there in the world, to an external source. Of learning to Trust, ones Self and the abilities given them. Of accepting ones Self, as they are, where they are, in the moment, without judgments, unconditionally.

Each of these baby steps, leads one back to the center of the labyrinth which is their mind, to find the Truth of who they are and are meant to be. It is when one reaches this center, accepting themselves unconditionally, they take back their Sovereignty fully. The journey of healing, of looking within, is tracing ones steps back, to their beginnings. To see when they chose to believe in, what was not true. Stepping from the path of Truth.

Blessings on your journeys my brothers. Hugs and love. You are loved. I love you.

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