Hello world. The following was written 09/12/2016.
I was contemplating the materials Holy Spirit and my Guides have directed me to partake of and the understandings being given me about them. I was also recognizing I was being guided by ONE of my Guides, as in the singular, to partake of specific materials they created. It took me until this year to figure out who this Guide is. My want, need and desire to get names for my Guides, kept me from recognizing who They were. I was blocking my own awareness through my judgmental beliefs I needed names to believe what was being shared with me.
I am feeling kind of amazed with Holy Spirit and my Guides right now and the book The Kybalion, They have guided me to read and compare with what They have been teaching me.
What I found out, is Holy Spirit and my Guides have taught me all the principles of The Kybalion. Holy Spirit and my Guides taught them to me in reverse. They went from the back of the book to the front. I am severely dyslexic and have been all my life. This dyslexia has blocked me from learning things like fractions, percentages, decimals, measurements, and music. My reading comprehension has been difficult at best or none existent. Holy Spirit and my Guides have and do use this disability of mine to great effect and advantage. If They do not want me reading it, I can’t. If They do not want me hearing it, I will not. They make it sound like Charlie Browns teacher with the wah, wah, wah, wah.
So Holy Spirit and my Guides have taught me this book starting from the back and going towards the front apparently. My Husband and I have discussed this pattern before. We seem to be two haves a whole. The equivalent of the proverbial yin and yang. Holy Spirit and my Guides tell me we are a perfect balance for each other in all ways. My Husband sees all from the perspective of the outside looking in. I am shown things from the inside looking out. I see things from the view of the inner observer, with the psychology which is in play under all the layers of beliefs we have been taught are true.
Holy Spirit and my Guides have been teaching me everything in reverse, from the inside out, interesting. I kept asking Holy Spirit and my Guides for names and would only be told, the messenger does not matter here, listen instead to the messages they would bring. I have finally figured out who one of my Guides are. Their name is Thoth!
Blessings on your journeys my brothers. Hugs and love. You are loved. I love you.