Hello world. The following was written 9/09/2022.
When perceiving ones reality, one can perceive their reality as a material realm or an energetic vibrational realm. In manner of speaking the latter would be electrical. Everything pertaining to the internet is therefore electrical in nature so an energetic vibration. This in and of itself is the nature of our reality in and of itself. The manifestation of ones reality through the vibrational extension of ones self.
Something to consider, Heaven is here and now. Heaven is within you, so projected outside of you as what you choose to perceive it to be. It is a choice you make to think so believe as you choose to. It is through the acceptance and allowance of what is as it is without judgment, including yourself, which shall bring Heaven before you and within you. It is the extension of the LOVE you are and are meant to be, to yourself and all around you unconditionally, which shall bring the Heaven you seek into manifested creation. Love is the key which unlocks the doors within the mind. The mind is the tool used to create Heaven or Hell as a reality. The seeking outside of oneself for the LOVE they are is the creation of Hell in ones reality. For what you seek outside of you cannot be found. It is turning within oneself all which is sought shall be found.
To LOVE Unconditionally oneself, is to extend this LOVE to all at the same time. For when one can love themself they then can love another as they love themselves. When one stops judging themselves they are able to stop judging all others and the world they perceive themselves to be a part of. If one would bring Heaven into the creation of their own reality, they must choose it for themselves through the LOVE they are. Unconditional Love for self and others brings forth the oneness with all creation. It shows one how all are equals so the same. It shows them how all differences perceived are held within the minds of the individual and it is the individual who has manifested so created the living Hell they perceive themselves to be a part of, by judging themselves and all around them.
With this understanding one must then choose which reality they would create for themselves. Do you want Heaven or Hell? Will you choose to be the Love you are meant to be or will you choose to continue judging All That Is, including yourself? Which would you choose for you? Do you choose acceptance and allowance through Love or do you choose to continue judging? The choice is yours. Which will you choose?
Blessings on your journeys my brothers. Hugs and love. You are loved. I love you.