Hello world. The following was written 8/27/2018.

Was listening to Fade to Black’s Twitter Night. Everyone who listens to the show Fade to Black and posts on twitter during the show were given an opportunity to ask the host, Jimmy Church, questions and he would do his best to answer as many as possible. If you called on the phone you had to have a Twitter Handle he could call out or you risked getting hung up on. He was having fun with the callers since many only listen in and do not participate through social media platforms. I asked Jimmy some questions of my own via twitter. After which a brother called in putting forth the concept of dimensional shifts.

I asked, “Jimmy, would you share a dark night of the soul moment where all hope seemed lost and you found your way through it to see the Light and how it was of benefit to you on the other side? Something everyone could relate to no matter what walk of life they come from?”

After reading my question live on air, he asked to come back to it. He had to think about it. I found myself stating an hour later the following.

I stated, “Me thinks we may have stumped Young Jim with our questions concerning real life experiences of the trials and tribulations had where everything which seemed like the end of the world was only the beginning of something greater!”

A brother called in putting forth the concept we are out of 3D and already in 4D and starting into 5D. I found myself responding to them with the following on Twitter.

My response, “Yes we are already in the transition from 4D to 5D. 4D is coming into our awareness of self and the acceptance of responsibility for self and all choices made. Once this is fully accepted, we slip into 5D.

Once one accepts full responsibility for all choices made, all karma falls away. It is the removal of karma Humanity is dealing with before moving fully into 5D. Whatever karma is still held will hit one all at once as everything shifts fully into 5D.”

A brother asks, “What if there is no dimensionality because we’re all one and all else is a construct of the mind?”

My response, “The concept and belief you speak of is no more than an egoistic belief created to stop one from finding what it is they seek, which is Oneness within themselves. It is a thought, a belief to keep you divided. It is misconceived. What it pertains to is seeing all as equal.

Part of the misconception is you negate your brothers and so negate yourself as existing and being real. What you perceive yourself to be is the illusion. Who you are in reality is not. Your body is your vessel. Your vehicle in this reality. It is not YOU.

Does this answer your question brother? The Universe is a Mental Construct which is Co-Created by all of us to be what it is. If we believe it is a possibility of being experienced, we manifest it as our reality. All that is needed is enough of us to believe it is a possibility.”

Blessings on your journeys my brothers. Hugs and love. You are loved. I love you.

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