Hello world. The following was written 8/16/2018.
A brother was posting a lot of questions asking about all the myriad experiences and beliefs being held by Humanity. I found myself responding with the visions I was given. These visions are being played in a repeating cycle within my mind. I am being guided to share them to help give some perspective as to where we are and how we got there. How we are connected and how we are changing. The following was the first vision. The others will be in their own posts.
Forgiveness and Tithing
As I was rereading a post yesterday I had written a year ago I found a phrase standing out for me. The phrase was, “Many say the key is forgiveness.” Upon reading this I found myself receiving a vision with an understanding. The vision starts with an ancient city and people walking towards and into a temple carrying “gifts”, with the intent and purpose of making an offering to the God’s for forgiveness. In essence they were tithing to the temple. Paying their way into heaven with the gifts they would bring for the God’s to be placated. Upon seeing this vision I understood the basics of what modern religions tithing is, or I thought I did.
As the vision unfolded I was shown two people exchanging an item, a bowl. My Guides were explaining anything and everything is created “FOR-GIVING”. Meaning, everything can be “given” away to someone else. They are telling me the meaning of this has been twisted to mean something very different. What was being shown about the temple is where this twisting of meanings originally began. The essence of “for giving” was to create items of value for trading and bartering so one may acquire those items needed for survival.
The priests in the temples took this concept to a whole new level. The priests knew they needed worshipers to believe in what they were saying. All their “power” was connected to the strength and depth of the people’s beliefs in the priest’s ability to act as a go between for them and the God’s. The priests would foster this belief only they could speak to the God’s and only they could interpret what the God’s wanted.
The creation of the idea or concept of “For Giving” was seen as a new tool for controlling the people by changing what its meaning would be. The new use for this concept would be the supplication to the God’s of “Forgiveness” for the imagined transgressions the priests would then create to fulfill this new need. Everything the people would now create would be “for giving” to the temples to placate the God’s.
The priests created an idea or concept you could gain a place in heaven by “gifting” or “tithing” to the temples your most precious treasures and valuables. The belief only they could placate the angry God’s and assure you a place by their sides. They even created fictional items you could buy such as blessed water to chase evil spirits from your home and amulets and talismans to keep you safe and protected. If one did not fall in line they were then brought before the priests to stand a mock trial, only to be crucified in the end for disagreeing or holding a differing point of view, such as what happened with Jesus. Using the masses own minds and emotions with the tools of fear, shame, blame and guilt to manipulate the masses into supporting them. Their need and greed of power had corrupted.
The true creation of “Sin” came from the temples to manipulate the people to conform to the dictates of those in power. To keep the many answering to the dictates of the few. The temple priests understood the power of the mind and how perceptions could be manipulated. They created rules, laws, regulations, prohibitions, limitations, judgments and opinions to manipulate the masses and what they perceived all to be. They understood this and used it to create a world where only they would be above the laws of man they themselves had created. This twisted creation has been in place since the rise of the first temple.
All of us are taught to blindly follow and believe whatever is being said to us by our families. We are taught to seek out their judgments and opinions for approval and acceptance. We are then taught to extend this same seeking to any and all we cross paths with throughout our lives. We are taught we are required to conform and comply with the rules, laws, regulations, prohibitions, limitations, judgments and opinions of what they perceived all to be. In this same way we are also taught “forgiveness” is us giving away to God what we no longer wish to have and experience in the hopes it will be removed and we may live in joy and happiness. Just as the original temple priests taught the masses. History repeats itself.
The key here is, you were never required to accept or believe as was dictated to you and there was never anything to “forgive”. There was never any “SIN”. Nothing has ever gone “wrong”. These were all superstitious beliefs taught to the people by the priests in the temples. They would use the peoples own mind, emotions and fears of the unknown against them. This pattern has not changed in thousands of years. It is still the same even though the characters on the stage in power have changed many, many times.
Forgiving is FOR GIVING. As in giving it away so another may have it. It is a sharing of All That Is. Forgiveness is a belief in a lie something has gone wrong and one must make it real by believing in it in order to give it to God to be taken away.
As the vision closes I now understand where the beliefs in sin and forgiveness have come from. How we the people have been manipulated and coerced to blindly follow the dictates of those around us. To believe someone else would know what we should or should not being doing, thinking and saying. The belief only a chosen few can talk to God and will know what is best for us. I now understand how it is we subconsciously give away our personal power to another, unknowingly.
There is no such thing as sin or forgiveness. It is all a lie. Everything we create is for giving away freely so we may receive more in this same way. What you give you shall receive, so give of it freely. Anything you think to hold you will lose, for in holding it to you it loses all value to help you or anyone else further. It matters not if it is of material or ephemeral essence. Its value comes only when it is given away freely. Your choice and decision in how you view it is what gives it the value it has. You now have a chance to choose again and choose differently this time in how you want to see your world. What will you choose this time?
Blessings on your journeys my brothers. Hugs and love. You are loved. I love you.