Hello world. The following was written 6/23/2016.
From the moment of our birth we are trained to blindly accept, follow and believe the dictates, labels, judgments and opinions of others. We are taught all of this from our families, peers, and the society we are born into.
As children many of us learn to never question what is being said to us. Taught the ones speaking to us know better than us. This training is universal for everyone. Every child is trained in this same exact way. To do what their parents tell them to do when they say to do it. To listen to and believe whatever your teachers are telling you is the absolute Truth. Taught any adult or “authority figure” has the right to tell you who you are and what you are allowed to do or not do.
As children we are taught to give our power away to everyone around us. To point fingers and place blame. To never look at what we are thinking and experiencing in any given moment. To never take responsibility for our own choices and decisions to think and believe in the things we do.
What we have been taught, is to judge and be judged. To fear those same judgments we are handing out to all we may come in contact with. For as much as we may judge others we do not like being judged ourselves. We are terrified to be judged, yet this is exactly what we do. Day in and day out we judge everything and everyone.
A life lesson I have had to come to understand is everything I experience is for my benefit and my brothers benefit. Every rape, molestation, beating, exorcism, caning, mental and emotional abuse I have experienced has been of benefit to me and through me, my brothers. If I had never experienced the things I have, I would not be able to connect with my brothers at a level they can comprehend. I would have no understanding or compassion for anyone else if I did not have those experiences as a basis of connection and understanding. I would have never understood there is no differences between my brothers and myself. All of us experience similarly with different levels of intensity. We all endure pain and suffering.
All of us have choices. All of us make choices. As I shared with a friend, I began making my own choices in infancy at 9 months old. I chose to believe in the things I was, based off of what I was experiencing at the hands of another. No one made those choices for me or told me what I was experiencing. I made them all on my own.
The point here is, you are judging everything happening around you to be something other than it is. It has nothing to do with these inanimate objects and everything to do with the mental illness of the judgmental mind. The egoistic training each of us went through can be undone. It is this training which is really at issue and the cause of all the suffering we are experiencing in this world. It is all coming from judgments. Those judgments are and have always been based out of fear, shame, guilt, greed and envy. The belief someone has more, is better than, smarter than, and the list goes on and on. All based on a premise of lack. The belief we will never have enough unless we take from someone else.
Consider for a moment how you have been taught to view everyone around you. Each and every person is no more than a vending machine. You connect with each one because you believe they have something you may need. Each Being is looked at for what it is you can get from them. Very seldom do we want to connect with another to give and give freely with no expectations to receive anything in return. Not even a thank you.
I stated before guns, cars, and silverware are all inanimate objects. They can do nothing by themselves. The catalyst is and will always be the Human Being using them. The objects are not the issue. In everything it is the way we think which is at issue. It is the way we are raising our children to think and believe which is and has caused all of this. The world will reflect back to you whatever it is you are choosing to believe in.
Everything happening and has happened, has been for Humanities benefit. They have been catalysts for us to look at what it is we are thinking, feeling, and believing in. To bring to our awareness how we view ourselves and the world around us, as well as everyone else in it. Each has been an opportunity to look at the choices we have made and to choose again and choose differently this time.
When we as a society can learn to stop judging each other and to allow and accept instead, peace will be the results. Training each and every Being in the use of weapons and requiring military or “civil service” of each and every citizen is what is going to be needed. It is changing the way we see each other and the resources we have. In treating each Being as an equal and requiring equality on all levels, will end much of this death and destruction we are experiencing now. When Humanity begins to understand there is no lack, they will stop trying to kill one another for the belief there is lack. When Humanity stops seeing differences between each other based on location, skin tone, language, job, religion or sexual orientation, peace is the only outcome.
In everything, you are the one making the choices and decisions to believe as you do these judgments which have been handed to you. You are the only one who can change your mind about what you want to believe in. No one else may make these choices for you. The decision is entirely up to you. What will you choose, the painful judgments which come with suffering or will you choose another way of seeing and being? Only you can choose.
Blessings on your journeys my brothers. Hugs and love. You are loved. I love you.