Hello world. The following was written 6/22/2016.

Truth like reality, is relative when seen through the eyes of the ego or the eyes of Holy Spirit. When you can quiet your Ego thoughts, the Truth of reality comes. We then recognize what we perceive is what we project. We project out our expectations on the world and the Beings around us, never realizing they are no more than an aspect of ourselves. Once we move past this into true awareness, we no longer project out so readily what we were taught by others. The difference between the teachers of knowledge and knowing would be their Intentions when they “teach” and the content of what they teach.

The intention of those correcting will be evident in the judgments being handed out. You are wrong and need to do as they dictate. They use shame, guilt, fear, judgements, labels, recriminations and anything else they may think of to twist your own words into what they would have them mean. All to control you and get you to conform to their beliefs because this is what they want to be true. All to get you following them blindly without questioning what they state to you. They want to be your guru.

The Intent of those sharing their personal experiences of similar situations and experiences are to show a different perspective. What is being perceived is coming from our own judgments and opinions of what we want to believe is Truth. We are the ones judging everything. They share perspectives of understanding. They share to show how you are equals and experience similar things and react in similar ways. They share to show they are no different than you are. They share to help you heal as they have been healed asking nothing of you in return.

The self proclaimed “teachers” of this world are holding up their False Idols, such as their certificates, books and “flocks” as proof they know what they know. By giving themselves some title and buying a piece of paper which says they own the title they can replace actual Knowing. They are allowing their enlightened egoistic minds to guide them with power and greed. Their only intent to enslave as many brothers as possible for as long as they can.

This is what the True Teachers of Knowing are here to end. The enslavement of their brothers. The controlled manipulations of the masses so the chosen few may prosper while everyone else flails in agony at their feet. It is to knock them from their exclusionary pedestals they have placed themselves on. Because it is exactly what these enlightened egoistic teachers are doing. Making themselves better than their brothers. Placing themselves on exclusionary thrones which keep their brothers enslaved to them.

If you are going to pay someone for something, then pay for their Knowing and NOT their knowledge. You will get way more for your money if you are buying Knowing over knowledge every day.

Blessings on your journeys my brothers. Hugs and love. You are loved. I love you.

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