Hello world. The following was written 6/18/2018.
I have been listening to my brothers talk about the IG Report which came out on the 14th. What is standing out to them, is the understanding NOTHING is going to be done about these Beings in power who are corrupt and have been caught committing treasonous acts against this country and We The People.
I was guided to ask my attorney about what it would take to start a class action lawsuit against the government, by my Guides. Are signatures required? How much funds would be needed and can crowd funding be done for it? It is obvious this IG report has been handled with kid gloves and is no more than a soft ball play at being transparent. The IG Report pointed out and laid out a lot of the corruption and a time line with it. It handed us the keys with the proof the Obiden administration was in collusion with Clinton, the alphabet agencies AND foreign powers to try and undermine our Constitution and the Sovereignty of We The People. What all of them were committing is Sedition and TREASON. The IG report is laying it out in the background for all to see, if they stop and look at what is actually being stated without saying it outright.
If justice is to be served, it will have to be done by We The People. For these government entities are not going to willingly investigate, indict and prosecute themselves for the crimes they are and have been committing. They are not going to prosecute themselves for human trafficking, sex trafficking of women and children, pedophile rings, drug rings and arms rings they are so deeply invested into. They are not going to willingly give up their power and control or the money it brings them to keep things in a status quo cycle of nothing getting done and our rights being taken away from us, one at a time through the prohibitions we are forced to conform to and they are given immunity too.
My brothers worry peace is not possible and justice no longer exists. They feel they will never heal these things they have experienced and believe themselves and the world to be. Everything can be healed my brothers if one is willing to do the inner work needed to do so. Even if it means they have to be the one to take the first steps towards the change to get the processes started for healing to occur.
When Humanity begins to see the lies they have been fed about keeping the status quo and everything they had believed to be true was all lies created to divide them, they will step back from the ledge the lemmings are jumping from into the abyss. The abyss being the belief in the false facades and masks being handed to you by those who claim they have authority over you. It is an illusion they created to get you to willingly hand away your Sovereignty of Being and Free Will to be Self Governing so Self Reliant.
Humanity is coming to the understanding the person standing next to them is no different than they are. They are going to come to realize every single difference they were believing in was an illusion created to control them and what they would think, say and do. They were being manipulated to believe they are to hate anyone different than them in the slightest way. They are coming to understand every difference is only a thought in THEIR mind they had been trained to perceive and believe in. Humanity is beginning to understand no one is above or below them and WE ARE all EQUALS in every way. All differences are learned judgments which have been taught and may be unlearned if one chooses to look at the belief and see it for what it is. It is a choice they are making to believe and nothing more.
The imagined divide being perceived by Humanity is coming to an end. Humanity is no longer willing to keep placing another on a pedestal above them with immunity to these crimes they are committing against us. Humanity is now asking to be treated as equals with everyone being held to the same standards of accountability for their actions. It is when JUSTICE is served the divide will end.
Blessings on your journeys my brothers. Hugs and love. You are loved. I love you.