Hello world. The following was written 3/4/2017.

A brother asks, “If the little dick voice in your mind (bent on destroying you) had a physical form- What does it look like?”

My response, “Ah my brother, do not make the mistake of making real what is not, by giving it a living form. If you do this you risk falling into that which you seek to let go of. Instead may I suggest looking within at what is being said by the voice and questioning where those thoughts have come from in the first place. You will find every one of them was most likely handed to you in your youth and you chose for whatever reason to believe it was true at the time. It is only now as they come up you will be given this opportunity to review them with Holy Spirit and ask for the corrections needed to let them go completely. To heal what was not true.

By the way, creating that image is a form of projection. It is separating one’s self from the choices they have made and trying to place blame outside of them. The key here is to learn to accept responsibility for the choices we have made to believe as we are. It is only when we accept responsibility we can change our minds and be free of it permanently. This is why looking within and owning what we are thinking and believing is needed. If we do not look we shall never find what it is that is causing us this pain and suffering within us. The pain is always within. It is not out there, so own it.”

Blessings on your journeys my brothers. Hugs and love. You are loved. I love you.

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