Hello world. The following was written 01/25/2019.
A brother states, “If you have listened to the Teacher, you will not think there is anything else to learn.”
My response, “ That is an interesting perspective and belief system you are holding there which would entail one to blindly follow and believe in whatever it is being said and or stated by the one they have placed on a pedestal of imagined authority. That would mean it is a choice they are actively making to be a victim of the world they perceive their reality as being. On my own journey Holy Spirit and my Guides have taught me something very different regarding “the Teacher”.
My Guides state, “The Teacher’s Purpose.
The purpose of the teacher is to teach the student to turn within. The goal of the teacher is to get the student to no longer come to the teacher for answers. The teacher teaches the student that the answers they seek are within them. That they are the Master of their journey. They make all choices and decisions to be, believe, perceive and experience their reality as being what it will be for them. No one will make these choices for you and no can make these choices for you.”
I am finding it interesting how Humanity is blindly following and accepting what they read in a book, are told by a teacher as well as these rules, laws and regulations being handed to them by these representatives that are supposed to be listening to and following what their constituents are asking for. Instead it is the other way around. These reps have the masses believing they are in control and the masses must comply or be punished. They are overstepping their authority and any and all authority they have is and has been given by We The People. This means We The People can rip them right out of that chair we have placed their asses into. I WILL NOT COMPLY! They work for me and not me for them!
Something to consider, no one can tell you what it is you know, think, believe nor experience. No one has authority over you unless you CHOOSE to allow them to. You have to willingly make a choice to conform and comply with their dictates in order for them to have any impact on you directly. YOU have to ACCEPT what is being handed to you in those moments. So, the question now becomes for the Individual Being when is enough, enough? When do they CHOOSE to STAND UP and say NO MORE, I WILL NOT COMPLY? It is a choice each of you will have to make for yourselves. No one may make this choice for you. Are you ready to use your God Given Free Will to Choose what Resonates within you as Truth and follow your OWN INNER GUIDANCE to be a Sovereign Being who is Self Governing and RESPONSIBLE for themselves and ALL choices they would make to believe so perceive themselves to be? For THAT IS what it will take to stop what is happening and make the needed changes to something else.
My brothers what is shared here is how Humanity is being manipulated to respond and react. How the corrupt have been twisting words and meanings to suit the situations they perpetrate and set up themselves. It is time to open your eyes and recognize what is right in front of your face. Stop denying what is right in front of you. Take responsibility for your choices to believe as you are. It is only when you accept responsibility that you can make the changes needed to stop and choose again choosing differently this time. All you go through is a choice you are making. Accept it! It is what it is! Recognize it and change your mind!
To blindly follow and believe what some teacher is telling you or you read in a book without question is to ask to be made a victim and a slave to your chosen authority figure. It is an illusion you are choosing to make real. It is also an illusion you will have to heal too.
If one would choose to actually heal while on this journey they will need to stop lying to themselves and turn within and begin to actively start looking at the choices they have made to accept and believe in the judgmental opinions that were being dictated to them in their youth. For that is where most of our beliefs come from. They are TAUGHT to us! We are responsible for making that choice to accept and believe in it. We made that choice and no one else. Seriously!”
Something to consider regarding those first 20 lessons in ACIM. What they were pointing out was that everything you think you know and believe in as being true has been taught to you by someone else just as it had been taught to them. Everything you think you experience is colored by those things you were taught to think, believe and perceive yourself, the world, your brother and your reality as a whole to be. What you and those who taught you were being trained to do is accept blindly whatever was being taught to you. To accept all without question. That in each interaction YOU ARE the one who chose to accept whatever was being said, done and dictated to you. It was a choice YOU made to do so. What is also being pointed out is that you were NEVER REQUIRED to accept any of the things you were being taught to believe in. You only THINK you are required too.”
My brother states, “All truth is not learned. We already are the truth. The Teacher shows us this in an instant.”
My Husband Alex responds, “ If you are the truth then who or what are you?”
Our brother responds, “Alex Reyenga listen my brother and you will know also.”
Alex responds, “I see you can’t answer the question. That is because you do not know who or what you are. You seem to think that you don’t exist even.”
Our brother responds, “Alex Reyenga I think this may make some sense to you. Shrubs ISIS jd jdj mdkodjd duke ksndbisns s. Skikda”
Alex responds, “All I see is nonsense.”
My response, “And what “Truth” would that be that you would teach? Is it the Truth you were taught in school that you are your body? Is it the judgmental beliefs you were taught to conform to that are Truth? Is it what you read in some book or heard some supposed teacher or guru state is Truth? What Truth exactly are you choosing to believe in? Why are you choosing to believe in it? Have you QUESTIONED the validity of that which is being dictated to you to be believed in? Has any of it been proven to you to be true through your own personal life experiences? Can you SHARE how these so called Truths have played out in the experiential aspects of your life so others may garner some context of the value of what it is you say you share here? Or are you just blindly repeating what is said to you and you read in a book like a sheep following the flock with its head down or a lemming jumping blindly over the ledge of the cliff following after the one before it??”
Our brother responds, “Alex Reyenga yes and when you see things differently you will not see nonsense anymore.”
Alex responds, “How witty of you! Oh, good one! Score for your ego!”
My response, “What are you trying to sell here? If you would have your brothers buy whatever it is you are trying so hard to sell here. You need to give them context so they have a basis with which to compare what it is you are selling them to what it is they know to be. Otherwise whatever you are selling is valueless and holds no meaning nor value for anyone but you.”
Alex responds, “Our brother is playing the enlightened Guru act. He is trying to get people to follow him and his beliefs. Maybe he will start an ACIM cult called “There is no problem because you don’t exist!”.
A brother responds, “Sabrina Reyenga including this, prayer. I don’t know how to tell my friend that I’m imaginary.”
My response, “You are not imaginary. What is imaginary would be their thoughts, beliefs, perspectives and perceptions of who they believe you to be. What they choose to perceive will be a reflection of the choices they have made to believe themselves to be.”
My brother responds, “Sabrina Reyenga Sister Learn to appreciate sarcasm And yes Good point Which I tried to convey and it’s rarely ever understood “
My response, “ I have learned that sarcasm is no more than a deflection and a way of judging what is being shared or gone through by a brother. It is a false facade and mask that is being donned in those moments to portray what is not real nor true. In each interaction I am bidden by Holy Spirit and my Guides to be completely open, honest and authentic. I am to share the experiential aspect of my journey and the lessons learned through them. I am to question everything without exception. That is their statement to me. Question everything! Even that which we share with you. Ask how it is applicable or has been experienced within my life. Ask to be shown an example and one will be given you. This is what they have stated and is what I do.”
My brother responds, “Sabrina Reyenga All here is facade”
Another brother responds, “Sabrina Reyenga you are assuming you know his definition of teacher. Mine is the Holy Spirit. And in the case of Holy Spirit being The Teacher and being “only”guided by the HS this feels true to me.”
My response, “There was no assumption being made. Our brother is choosing to follow his ego and not Holy Spirit when he speaks of blindly following and believing without questioning. Our brother cannot share examples of how what he says is Truth has been proven to him through his own life experiences by Holy Spirit. He has not been able to share how every experience had a lesson within it he had to learn and how EVERY experience has been of benefit to him. For that IS what HOLY SPIRIT TEACHES one. HOLY SPIRIT shows one how EVERY EXPERIENCE IS for their BENEFIT and THROUGH THEM ALL of HUMANITY!
ACIM STATES you are to ASK if you would receive. Asking entails QUESTIONING! Nothing is as it may seem. Everything you think you know and believe in as being true is no more than a lie that has been used to control you and all you would think, say and do. All you think you know has been taught to you by someone else just as it was taught to them. Those who came before you blindly followed and accepted whatever was being dictated to them WITHOUT QUESTIONING any of it. Just as YOU have CHOSEN to do.”
My brother responds, “Sabrina Reyenga Ok you must know this person so I’m backing out I would rather be happy than right.”
A brother asks, “Sabrina Reyenga oooo…can I be teacher next?”
My response, “Then I would ask you what I ask all Beings who would step forward to teach a belief system or way of being.
And what “Truth” would that be that you would teach? Is it the Truth you were taught in school that you are your body? Is it the judgmental beliefs you were taught to conform to that are Truth? Is it what you read in some book or heard some supposed teacher or guru state is Truth? What Truth exactly are you choosing to believe in? Why are you choosing to believe in it? Have you QUESTIONED the validity of that which is being dictated to you to be believed in? Has any of it been proven to you to be true through your own personal life experiences? Can you SHARE how these so called Truths have played out in the experiential aspects of your life so others may garner some context of the value of what it is you say you share here? Or are you just blindly repeating what is said to you and you read in a book like a sheep following the flock with its head down or a lemming jumping blindly over the ledge of the cliff following after the one before it??
What are you trying to sell here? If you would have your brothers buy whatever it is you are trying so hard to sell here. You need to give them context so they have a basis with which to compare what it is you are selling them to what it is they know to be. Otherwise whatever you are selling is valueless and holds no meaning nor value for anyone but you.
What is it you would teach and of what value would it be to anyone but you?
A brother responds, “Sabrina Reyenga How can you say no one has ever questioned what has been taught to them, including myself? There is no way you can make such a judgmental statement. In truth, I have questioned a lot and found some teachings to be valid and others not. So have those who came before me and so have my children and grandchildren. I always have and always will encourage free thinkers, to look beyond what we think we know and make certain it is truth. Not everything a person learns is taught to them by someone else. Some things we learn on our own from our personal experiences and/or observations.”
My response, “When asked, who are you, who do you believe yourself to be? What answer would you give? Is it the labels that have been handed to you? Are you that meat coated skeletal wagon you call your body? If everything you have ever experienced is for your benefit, how do you justify a need to forgive that which NEVER happened? If you believe in forgiveness then you are holding onto a belief that HAS NOT been questioned.”
My brother responds, “Sabrina Reyenga I am God’s sacred child; Love is who I am. Period.”
My response, “This is not disputed. You asked a question and an answer was given you. It is up to you to decide to contemplate what has been shared here with you to discern if there is any validity in Truth to it and accept it for yourself if you so choose too. No one may make these choices for you and you may not make them for anyone else either.
Perspective! All I have experienced has been for my benefit and through me all of Humanity. In sharing the experiential aspects of my journey with the lessons learned through them I extend an understanding of perspective in what I was choosing in the moment and how that choice impacted me on my journey.
I am having brothers come to me asking my “guidance” or “counsel”. I have no degrees nor certificates to state I know what I know. When I share, I share the experiential aspects of my journey with the lessons learned through them. I share the understandings I am given when I choose to look at and question what it is I experience or have experienced.
I AM a Channel. A conduit for Holy Spirit to use to connect to my brothers. When they ask a direct non-judgmental question Holy Spirit will step into my vessel to respond to them. Holy Spirit will NOT drag you kicking and screaming into the Light. Holy Spirit will lay the answer before you and allow you to decide if what is shared resonates for you as Truth.
Blessings on your journeys my brothers. Hugs and love. You are loved. I love you.