Hello world. The following was written 11/14/2016.
A friend posted this tonight and I found myself responding with part of my journey.
A brother shares, “If religion is merely a home for discipline in our lives, an avenue for us to have “structure and foundation” through routine… aren’t we falling into the pit of blind faith through routines? Just showing up to Church because it provides a foundation is an illusion in my perspective.. don’t get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with going to church, but foundation & structure come from the heart, and personal discernment through action & living in oneness with God. Salvation comes through one on one, self reliant connection, bonded with God. No man can, or ever will be able to teach me about my relationship with God. That can only be between me & God & a connection that is self realized… If we can’t be self reliant in the way we love, based on personal relationship with God, than I think anything else is a false reality. “
My response, “The understanding I am being given by my guides about “religion”, is that “ALL RELIGION” is man made. Every facet was created with one thing in mind. To manipulate the masses into giving away their free will over to someone else. All without conscious awareness they are doing so. The tools being used are the judgments and opinions being handed out and blindly followed without questioning and their own minds and emotions. Humanity blindly follows and believes in whatever is being said to them by those behind the pulpit, the government, as well as their friends, society, and families. Very few stop to question what is being said to them. Those who do question are usually crucified before the masses to make of them an example to keep others in line using shame, guilt, pain, suffering, and fear as their strong arm tactics. Those and ostracism. I myself have experienced every one of them in the churches I have attended, society, the government and within my own family.
What I am finding, is the foundation I and my brothers have built on is made out of lies. Every judgment and opinion taught to me has been a lie I chose to blindly believe in and follow. No one made those choices for me. I made each and every one of them on my own. The first at 9 months old. At that age I believed I must be doing something wrong to be treated the way I was. I must not be worthy of love, kindness, and gentleness. I must not be worthy of acceptance. I made those choices to believe at 9 months old.
In the last 10 years I have been on a journey of discovering who I truly am within. I have been willingly looking at every experience I have had from birth. At each and every trauma I have endured at the hands of another. Each rape, molestation, beating, caning, exorcism, mental, and emotional abuse had a purpose and a lesson within it for me to learn. In each situation I was the one accepting the judgments being handed to me or judging the situation myself. Not once was I allowing and accepting what was happening as it was. Each time I chose to judge. Each time I was the one who suffered my judgments and the pain that came with them. I was the one choosing to believe I was a victim of the world and it was trying to kill me.
I figured out where all the pain and suffering I was going through came from. I was doing it all to myself. No one was doing anything to me. My choices to judge and believe in the judgments being handed me about each situation created a repeating pattern within my own mind of judging myself as a victim. There are no victims in this world. In each situation I judged and I suffered because of it.
As I let go these things I was taught to think, believe, say, and do I find myself standing on a new foundation. One based on Truth and not judgmental lies. One based on my choices to Be who I AM as I am without any masks or false facades before me. In being completely honest and authentic in who I AM and where I am, I stand in my Light of Truth. I no longer blindly follow my brothers journey. I now understand I and each of my brothers must travel their own journeys within to figure out who they Truly are and not who they have been taught to think and believe they are.
The journey within is not easy. It takes willingness to look at all you believe in to be true and all you believe defines you. It has taken my own willingness to even step away from family and friends who would judge my journey because it does not match their own. On each step within I find myself reconnecting to God, Source, or All That Is. I no longer have an invisible wall between myself, my brothers, and God. In accepting and allowing my brothers to be as they are where they are without judgment, I now see a reflection of where I have been. In standing in my Light of Truth I testify by sharing my journey and allowing my brothers to witness my Truth for themselves.
Every judgment we make is used as the basis of the foundation of who and what we think and believe we are. Each one has been taught to us as it was taught to those who taught us. Generation after generation following the same beliefs and patterns of judgments blindly without question. That is, until someone chooses to start questioning everything!
These days I find myself resonating with those of “like” mind. Some may be in a Church made by man or a “Church” made by God. All are equal in every way. There is no difference between my brother and myself. We have both been taught the same things with slightly different twists and meanings put into play. This has been a psychological brainwashing each of us go through from birth. To blindly follow the dictates and judgments of others and to even seek them out and then believe them.
Thank you for starting this discussion. It has been the basis of my journey for 10 years now and counting. Hugs, Love, Light, and Blessings on your journey my brother. You are loved. I love you.”
The voices in my head are telling me to clarify. “Honesty and authenticity with ourselves and every Being we cross paths with will be needed. Nothing is to be hidden for any reason. All is to be placed out in the open for all to see and witness for themselves. Stand in your Light of Truth without fear of being judged or even ostracized. Those who walk away are not ready to hear your Truth. They will return when they are ready to receive what you are sharing.”
HAHAHA, I just had the scene from the Wizard of OZ pop up with the guy behind the curtain being revealed. The church and the government are the guy behind the curtain!
By the way, if you ever want to talk about any of the things I shared or anything at all, reach out to me. I am here to share all I am being given so my brothers may heal as I have healed on all levels of body, heart, mind and Soul.
Blessings on your journeys my brothers. Hugs and love. You are loved. I love you.