The ego isn’t pretty, when it gets unmasked.

Hello world. The following was written 1/25/2018. Day three and the dialogue continues from my initial sharing of, “The Synchronicities, which solidify the validity of Truth.” and “Man’s laws, hold no bearing or merit, when placed next to God’s Laws.”. I am bidden to keep first names in place, for this one. This time the vitriol comes out full blown, as the ego becomes exposed. The ego loves to give out demands, dictates, name calling, belittling, judging and assuming. When one assumes, they make an ass of themselves, the one they make their judgment of, and IF the one being judged chooses to believe them, accepting their judgments as their own. Assumptions, are judgments. As I said, the dialogue continues and it is not pretty, by any means. The ego isn’t pretty, when it gets unmasked. The ego tends to become violent in it’s reactions, believing itself attacked, again and again. We may but hope our words bring clarity, to help heal our brothers calls for love. Maz states, “Sabrina Do you know what “Natural Law” means? And, since when is a Copyright for protection a Law of God? Can you answer a direct Question? You said your Guides propose Continue Reading

What is it you would teach, and of what value would it be, to anyone but you?

Hello world. The following was written 01/25/2019. Brother one states, “If you have listened to the Teacher, you will not think there is anything else to learn.” My response, “ This is an interesting perspective and belief system you are holding, which would entail one to blindly follow and believe in, whatever it is being said and or stated by the one they have placed on a pedestal, of imagined authority. This would mean it is a choice they are actively making, to be a victim of the world they perceive their reality as being. On my own journey, Holy Spirit and my Guides have taught me something very different, regarding “the Teacher”. Holy Spirit and my Guides state, “The Teacher’s Purpose. The purpose of the Teacher, is to teach the Student how to turn within to Holy Spirit, who awaits them within their own heart and mind. The purpose of the Teacher, is to get the student to no longer seek the Teacher for their answers. The purpose of the Teacher, is to get the student to turn within to Holy Spirit instead, for the answers they seek. The purpose of the Teacher, is to get the Student to Continue Reading

The TRUTH, is often mistaken, for the lie.

Hello world. The following was written 01/25/2019. Brother one asks, “What is the true basis for forgiveness?” My response, “Forgiveness is a lie, which has been taught to you. It is NOT TRUE. If everything we go through and experience is for our benefit, how could anything every go wrong or need to be forgiven? If one chooses to look at and question this belief, they would find the lie therein and begin to let go of all they have JUDGED as being what it is for them. There is an article I wrote back in 2016 sharing a vision I was given, regarding forgiveness and tithing. I am told, you will find it very enlightening to say the least, and it will help give perspective and understanding of the lies you have been trained to accept and believe in, as being true for you. “Forgiveness and Tithing As I was rereading a post yesterday I had written a year ago, I found a phrase standing out for me. The phrase was, “Many say the key is forgiveness.” Upon reading this, I found myself receiving a vision and an understanding. The vision starts with an ancient city and people walking Continue Reading

What DID, Jesus do?

Hello world. The following was written 1/24/2018. A brother asks, “Whom does Jesus refer to as “We” in the last few lessons? Helen and him? Or is their a host who cooperatively designed ACIM?” My response, “Something which has stood out for me, were Jesus’s directions to do as he did and choose as he chose, so as to walk in his footsteps. When I sat and contemplated this instruction, I began to question what was being asked of me. What DID, Jesus do? When I asked this, I was shown Jesus first turned, within or inward. He stopped seeking for the answers outside of him, in the world and in his brothers. Next, he turned to the Teacher his Father had chosen for him, of Holy Spirit as his personal Guide. Lastly, he began to share his experiences and understandings with his brothers FREELY, holding nothing back and sharing all the understandings, being given him. In turning inward to Holy Spirit and listening to so following only Holy Spirits guidance, he chose to become One with Holy Spirit and God. He became the medium or conduit, with which they could speak to Humanity. In doing so, he becomes We Continue Reading

The nightmare, which had been taught to me.

Hello world. The following was written 1/25/2014. I came across this, as I was sorting files and cleaning up some folders tonight. It brought into focus, where I have been and where I am at now. A miracle happened the day I realized, nothing has ever gone wrong. “I seem to have a problem. A very deep seated ugly problem, which doesn’t want to go away. It seems I have been conditioned to be terrified, of ever asking for or reaching out for help from anyone for anything or accepting any kind of direction from another person, regarding my path in life. Growing up it seemed when I asked or reached out for help, it came with punishments and thoughtless comments, with shows of annoyance. Then told I imagined it, made it up, was lying, followed with violence and very real, threats of death. As I got older, this pattern continued reaching me, even through my peers. The comments, got harsher. The tempers, shorter. My abusers, more daring. My fear, greater. Finding myself backed into a corner, I learned I had to conform and accept everything being done to me and told to me as my own fault and their Continue Reading