How we perpetuate, the pain and suffering.

Hello world. The following was written 01/06/2018. Something interesting, has been occurring and being brought into my awareness. For the last couple of days, I will comment on a brother’s post and another brother, will respond to my comment. When I respond to those brothers, they immediately begin projecting onto me, their beliefs and judgments. Then they threaten to block me, if I continue to tag them in the conversation. I wasn’t tagging anyone and I wasn’t the one who made, the initial contact here during these dialogues. Yet, these brothers would call me the troll, insane, sick, and twisted, amongst the other derogatory labels they would hand to me, as defining who I am and am supposed to be. One brother took issue with my comments, about supporting our troops. Sighting, how their father went to Vietnam and both their lives, were damaged by it. They refuse to be responsible, for what our troops and government are doing. My response, “Therein is where your own, misconception lies. You are not responsible, for the choices another makes and they are not responsible, for your choices either. Nothing can be done in your name, unless you accept and allow yourself to Continue Reading

The fear, of rejection.

Hello world. The following was written 1/6/2016. Contemplations of ACIM Workbook Lesson 6, “I am never upset for the reason I think.” I am looking at a pattern, repeating itself in front of me continuously. It is a pattern of fear, using manipulations of guilt and shame. The fear of being direct, when asking for assistance. Fear or shame of sharing, what your circumstances are. I am getting, this may be a fear of rejection being played out, again and again. Why is it we as a society, cannot ask for help without trying to shame or guilt the person being asked, into doing it? Why do we tend to insist on a third party, as a go between? In asking these questions, I am finding answers are being given to me. The use of the third party, is in essence a buffer against the rejection they expect to receive. If they do not ask for it themselves, then they do not have to feel the insidious pain of being rejected. What they do not perceive, is the dishonesty and disservice they do to themselves and the person being asked. They are not, honoring themselves or the other person. In Continue Reading