When it comes to the child, you ARE the example, from which they learn.

Hello world. The following was written 1/5/2019. I shared an article called, “Come One, Come All, it is time to play a game, called Connect the Dots.”, yesterday. A brother responded to my article last night or this morning, asking some questions. The following is the dialogue which transpired. A brother asks, “Greetings Sabrina I trust you are well. Please indulge me as I have wanted to ask someone that walks ACIM. What about children? Are we not responsible for them? I really want to know and at the same have been terrified to ask anyone that does this. I am being completely honest and mean no disrespect. I too know the Holy Spirit and when I listen to your words in my mind I see myself at times (often times). So I have drummed up the courage to ask. PM if best. You certainly don’t have to respond. I will not be slighted in any way. I am glad you are here. Truly” My response, “Hello brother. I keep all dialogues out in the open, for all to witness. What is helpful for one, may be helpful for another. Children are capable of conscious choices, decisions and understanding, on Continue Reading

There are multiple Voices, within you.

Hello world. The following was written 01/05/2018. There is a misconception being held, one should ignore their thoughts and what is being experienced, in the moment. One should ignore the pain and suffering and just think, happy thoughts. One should never look below the surface, at what is experienced or question ourselves, as to what we are experiencing. A brother compared the thoughts within our minds, to the voices of a schizophrenic split mind. The label chosen by them, points to a belief all the voices are the same and have no purpose, reason for being, or legitimate meaning. It shows their judgments and inability, to accept themselves as they are. To them, there is only one voice inside, which is not to be acknowledged, in any way shape or form. To acknowledge this voice, would be to acknowledge their reality and experiences were real and may not be, what they believed them to be. They would have to accept responsibility, for themselves and their own choices to judge and believe. Something to consider, there are multiple Voices, within you. One would be the egoistic thought processes or mind, which was taught to you. It is a way of thinking, Continue Reading