Poverty, is a state of mind.

Hello world. The following was written 12/29/2020. A brother asks, “When the world takes your home away, are you going to be Hand-Out Homeless? Or Hard-Core Homeless?” My response, “My Husband and I have been houseless for a year and a half now by society standards, as we are living in an RV. After losing our home we have had to work hard. for every single thing we now have. In the last year we have busted our butts to fix things, which were broken or needed repairs and have done trade work for some of those items. In the year and a half we have earned eight 165 watt solar panels, batteries, and all the components which go with solar and batteries. We have really worked hard to get everything we now have. None of it was free. All of it was paid for with hard earned money, blood, sweat and tears literally. By the way, we do not consider ourselves homeless, as we DO have a home. Our home, is this RV and it supplies us shelter from the storms, a place to rest, to maintain ourselves and prepare the foods we would partake of. Poverty is a Continue Reading

You are no longer, a child brother.

Hello world. The following was written 12/28/2019. If everything you think you know and believe in to be true, has been taught to you by someone else as what they believe in, how do you know it is the truth? Consider this long and deeply. Every limit which has been handed to you, is a tool used to control you and all you would think, say and do. Those limits effect the way you perceive, so believe. Each limit handed you, is based in a judgment which is not true or real. Each is an illusion, which only becomes tangible when one chooses to believe in it. Now consider how you have been taught to judge yourself, your brothers and the world around you. Each of those judgmental perspectives, become a bar to a cage you have built for yourself, in your own mind. Your choices to accept those judgments handed you, has had you putting each one in place to cage you within the limitations those judgmental beliefs have laid out for you, in their parameters and definitions. Each is a choice you have made, to accept and believe. The only consequences to the choices you make, are the Continue Reading