Hello world. The following was written 09/20/2016. I share the understandings given me of abuse and that which I had experienced and was taught to accept as a child growing up. There is no difference between a man or a woman when it comes to abuse. They are both equally capable of meting out the same style and types of abuse. In every situation we are the one who is choosing to accept it and allow it to continue happening for us. Have you ever considered there are NO victims in this world? In every instant we are given a choice in how we will experience any given situation. Everything we experience is for our benefit. Each experience has a lesson within it, sitting there waiting to teach us about ourselves and who we truly are within. Have you ever considered any of this? Accept and allow what you experience may be different from what another experiences and every situation is perfect for you. I spent 6 1/2 years with my Son’s father. After my son was born shit hit the fan fast. I stand 5′ tall even. My Ex was 6′ 6″ x 6′ 6″…meaning he weighed in at Continue Reading